
Summary: How would you introduce Jesus that is what John is doing in the text today.

Introducing Jesus Christ Revelation 1:4-8

1. John is introducing Jesus to the 7 Churches Asia

• So, how would we introduce Jesus.

• you’ve heard expressions such as: “Please join me in welcoming …”

• “It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you the one and only …”

• “If we are introducing Jesus it would be helpful to research, learns about his or her credibility, Like the apostle John in our text for today, how would you go about introducing Jesus, our Lord and Savior

2. Preachers introduce Jesus every Sunday

• Let me tell you about Jesus the one who captivated hearts and minds throughout Judea

• Jesus of Nazareth. has emerged as a teacher, a healer, and a beacon of hope for the masses.

• His words, he speaks are spoken with authority and compassion,

• Jesus’ ministry, included acts of healing, compassion,

• Jesus has associated with tax collectors, sinners, and outcasts

3. Today John introduces Jesus Christ to his readers scattered throughout the Roman empire,

• The intro is short but powerful. It is all about Jesus Christ, Jesus is the alpha and Omega

• John tells us Jesus is seated on his throne as King of kings and Lord of lords.

4. John announces Jesus as— He is the one Who Is, Was, and Ever Will Be

• John states that Jesus is and has always been eternal.

• Verse 4: “Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come.” Verse 8: “‘I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.

• This declaration tells us of the nature and absolute sovereignty of Jesus Christ.

• He is the beginning and the end, the unchanging Christ.

5. John tells us that Jesus as the one Born to Die

• John’s says Jesus is also called the faithful witness.

• This doesn’t mean that Jesus was an eyewitness to some disputed event, but that he was a martyr who “loves us and frees us from our sins by his blood” (v. 5, emphasis added).

• He voluntarily laid down his life for us. The Greek word “witness” in our reading is martus. If you claim to believe in something, what is the ultimate test? You die for it.

• Jesus is the “faithful witness,” or martyr of the faith, mentioned in verse 5.

• It is Jesus “who loves us” and died to save us “from our sins by his blood.” He was born to die,

6. John introduces Jesus as Death Could Not Hold Him

• We know we’re going to die and that when we die, we remain dead.

• Jesus didn’t. John says that Jesus is “the firstborn from among the dead” (v. 5). As the firstborn from the dead, Jesus walked out of his tomb showing us that he has power over death and offers the same to us.

• Jesus turned death from the end to a be a beginning.

• In Christ, death has been defeated and that eternal life awaits those who place their trust in him.

7. This is John final announcement He’s coming again

• verse 7: “Look, he is coming with the clouds! Every eye will see him, including those who pierced him.”

• The promise of Christ’s return fills us with anticipation and expectation.

• It is a reminder that our present struggles and sufferings are temporary, and that a day is coming when all things will be made new.

• As we await his coming, let’s live with hope and faithfulness, knowing that he who promised is faithful.

• Let me introduce to you Jesus Christ the One who is, was, and ever will be; he was born to die; death could not hold him in the grave; and He will come again!

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