
Summary: The prophet Isaiah shows us into the throne room of God to worship and be in the presence of the Lord.

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Into the Throne Room of God

Isaiah chapter 6:1-13

Good morning everyone,

Have you ever experienced the Lord’s presence so much that you were dropped to your knees in reverence for the Lord and found yourself without words? Would you want that to happen?

If you would turn to Isaiah chapter 6, we are going to look at the prophet Isaiah as he is in the Spirit by the Spirit of God.

First let us honor the ladies in our life this Mother’s Day- those that have sacrificially given their lives to make sure we have what we need when we need it.

This is the first Mothers day that I will not have my mom to call and let her know how important she is to me. Years ago, we lost Becky’s mom and there is a piece of the puzzle missing and the picture just doesn’t look complete without them.

So if your mother has passed, I understand the void you experience and we need to hold the memories of the past to help us live in the future.

I know for some Mothers day is tough- I pray that today the Lord will fill the void that you have with His love, peace, and fullness.

The message this morning is not a Mother’s day specific message.

It is a message for those that need the Lord’s face to shine upon them.

It is a message that no matter what void is in your life… I know a savior and His name if Jesus!


Isaiah chapter 6:1-13

Let me give you some background before we dig into the text-

Isaiah was a prophet that lived about 740 years before Jesus walked this earth.

King Uzziah who took the throne as a young boy (16) was an evil king who has just died of leprosy.

King Uzziah was the prophet Isaiah’s uncle.

The prophet realized that a Holy God would judge even a king for the sins that he committed.

He was given a chance to see firsthand the holiness of God in the judgment of the leprous king and knew that if God judged him, he would be judged also.

When we see and understand the way that God deals with sin, our eyes are opened and we see the Lord the way He really is.

Society needs to have their eyes opened. They need to see a Holy God that doesn’t tolerate sin but they also need to see a God that desires to show mercy.

He is transported into the throne room of God where he comes into the presence of God. Like I said, he was in the Spirit by the Spirit of God.

Isaiah saw what happens in the throne room of God and saw the glory of God.

He experienced the trembling of the foundation of the temple.

He saw with his own eyes the altar of God.

He saw flying seraphims (flaming angels with six wings)


1982 in Corpus Christi Texas, I was sitting at the dining room table by myself doing my studies and the presence of God became so real to me that I was brought down to my knees in reverence. For a moment I was scared and the next I was in such awe that I could not get out any words verbally except praise you Lord, Praise you Lord. In His presence was so freeing, so exhilarating, so life-changing. I have never had that experience to that extinct since.

The song I can only imagine has such meaning to me!

I can only imagine what it will be like, when I walk by your side.

I can only imagine what my eyes would see, when your face is before me.

Surrounded by your glory, what will my heart feel- will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still.

Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall.

Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all. I can only imagine.

I will tell you this! You will never forget it and it will change your life forever!

Isaiah tells us that he clearly saw the Lord high and lifted up- exalted above the heavens. And a six winged angels were calling out Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty! The whole earth is filled with His glory!

If we got a glimpse of God for who He truly is, we would not be able to contain our worship- our praise. We would be at the feet of Jesus!

“And the train of his robe filled the temple.” The glory robe of Almighty God!

Just the edge of it filled the temple- The glory robe of God has touched us in Jesus Christ our savior!

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