
Summary: God desires to have a close, intimate, personal ...loving, dynamic, powerful relationship with you. Christianity is not about a weekly trip to church. We must move beyond that. Updated Substantially September 2018.

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For those not familiar with an Anglican Service; there are four Scripture Readings before the Sermon. The Scripture Readings for this day are: 1 Kings 8:1, 6, 10-11, 22-30, 41-43; Psalm 84 ; Ephesians 6:10-20 and John 6:56-69.

One day, ... a young disciple of Christ ... desirous of wanting to become all that God had for him ...visited the home ... of an elderly Christian.

He had heard ... that this old man ... had never lost his first love for JESUS ...... over all these years.

The elderly man ... was sitting on the porch with his dog ... taking in ... a beautiful sunset.

The young man ... posed this question:

"Why is it, sir, ... that most Christians ... zealously chase after God ... during the first year or two after their conversion;

But then ... fall into a complacent ritual ...of church once or twice a week ... And end up not looking any different .... than their neighbors ...who aren't even ...... Christians?

I have heard ....... you ... are not like that.

I've been told ... that you ... have fervently sought-after God ... throughout your years.

People see something in you .... that they do not see in most other people ... who call themselves ...Christians.

What makes you different?"

The old man smiled and replied, ... "Let me tell you a story:

One day ... I was sitting here quietly in the sun ...with my dog.

Suddenly ... a large white rabbit ... ran across the yard .... in front of us.

Well, ... my dog jumped up, ... and took off ... after that big rabbit.

He chased the rabbit over the hills ... with a passion.

Soon, ... other dogs joined him, ... attracted by his barking.

What a sight it was, ... as that pack of dogs ... ran barking across the creeks, ... up stony embankments .... and through thickets and thorns!

Gradually, however, ... one by one, ... the other dogs ... dropped out of ... the pursuit, discouraged by the course ...... and frustrated ... by the chase.

Only my dog ... continued to hotly pursue ... the white rabbit."

"In that story young man, ... lies the answer your question."

The young man sat ... in confused silence.

Finally, he said, ...... "Sir, I don't understand.

What is the connection between the rabbit chase ... and the quest for God?"

"You fail to understand," ... answered the well-seasoned old man, ... "because you failed to ask ...the obvious question.

And that is ... Why didn't the other dogs ... continue on ... in the chase?

And the answer to that question is ...... (Slow) they had not seen ... the rabbit.

Unless you see the prize, ... the chase is just too difficult.

You will lack the passion and determination necessary ... to keep up the chase." (Pause)

Beloved ... Have you seen the Lord ... have you truly seen the Lord?

There is a hymn from the early 70's that speaks to my heart.

Have you seen Jesus my Lord;

He's here in plain view.

Take a look open your eyes;

He'll show life to you.

Beloved ... Have you seen the Lord ... have you truly seen the Lord?

Are you willing ... to count the cost ... to follow Him?

Are You willing ... to keep your eye ... on the prize?

Not on the prize of heaven, ... but on the prize of the one who will get you there.

Are you willing to keep your eyes ... your focus on Jesus?

Is your spirit yearning for a deep relationship ... an intimate relationship ... with Jesus? (Pause)

Beloved ... God desires to have a close ... intimate ... personal ... loving ... dynamic ... powerful relationship ...with you.

The deeper ... the more intimate ... the more genuine ... the more real... your relationship is with God ...the more ... the devil ... and his demons will fear even your presence.

Christianity not about a weekly trip church.

We must go ...beyond that.

How many times ...have we asked people...... Are you a Christian?

How many times ...have we received the answer ... ...Well ... I was baptized ... or I go to church.

Well that does not tell you... much.

The question is... are you in love ... with Jesus?

Beloved ... There is much darkness ...outside these walls.

And it is time for us ... It is time for us ... to turn... the lights on.

We are called ... to be the light of the world... but far too many ...have forgotten ... to turn ...their lights on.

We desperately need... to get serious about... what is going on in this world.

Here me on this ... one day ... we are going to stand before Almighty God ...and make an account ...of our life. (Pause)

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Anonymous Contributor

commented on Jul 31, 2013

Good Job

J Jeffrey Smead

commented on Jul 31, 2013

Thank-you for taking the time to comment. Blessings In Christ. Jeff

Atul Vaity

commented on Aug 25, 2018

Very good sermon, learnt a lot about it thanks!!

J Jeffrey Smead

commented on Aug 25, 2018

Thank you for your kind words and taking time to comment.

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