
Summary: When we have an encounter with the resurrected Lord, our hearts will be stirred.

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-There are moments in life when our hearts our stirred

-When we hear a rousing version of “The Star Spangled Banner” (or some other piece of music)

-When we watch an inspirational story made into a movie

-When we read a touching novel

-When we attend a wedding of two close friends

-More important than the secular moments when our hearts are stirred are the spiritual moments when our hearts are stirred

-When first hearing the gospel

-When first responding to the gospel

-When discovering new spiritual truths to walk in

-When being sanctified

-When God calls you into some type of service

-All of these are moments of spiritual heart stirring

-ILL: John Wesley - Heart Strangely Warmed

In May of 1738, John Wesley wrote in his journal: "In the evening I went very unwillingly to a society in Aldersgate.Street, where one was reading Luther’s preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for salvation: And an assurance was given me, that he had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death."

-Now, let me share with you an example from scripture

-From the very day that Christ rose from the dead

-If ever there were a day for spiritual heart stirring, this was it

-Luke 24:13-35

-What stirred their hearts?

-Three things

I. The Words Of Jesus

-Vs. 25-27

A. He spoke of their disbelief

-He called them foolish and slow of heart

-You see, they were not yet stirred

1. Many today disbelieve in the resurrection occurring

-They say Christ never died on the cross

-They say the women went to the wrong tomb

-They say the body was stolen or moved

-What about the soldiers’ accounts

-Why was not the body exposed to stop the claims of the resurrection

-Why would the followers die for what they knew was a lie

2. Many today disbelieve in the resurrection’s importance

a. It is unique among religion leaders

i. Buddha is in a grave

ii. Mohammed is in a grave

b. It is unique in significance

-Offering salvation

B. He spoke of the prophesies

-Concerning Himself

-There were many, many prophesies that He had fulfilled

-But, they were still not yet stirred

-They knew the prophesies

-Any good Jew did

-They lived for them

-Much like we live for knowing who’s who on American Idol

-The problem was, the failed to put the pieces together

1. They misunderstood many of the prophesies

-They were looking for a militant Messiah

-That was, I believe, Judas’ problem

-Jesus knew this to be the case

-But he wasn’t swayed by opinion polls

-Like presidential candidates

2. They failed to think of Jesus as the fulfillment of others

II. The Actions Of Jesus

-Vs. 30

A. He took charge

-WOW! What seeming arrogance

-He was the guest and here He is taking charge of the meal

-But they were still not stirred

-Jesus, when we invite Him into our lives, wants to take charge

-Not because He is arrogant, but because He wants to do great things in us and for us and through us

-The wonderful picture here is that these men allowed Him to do so

-Oh that we would do the same

B. He blessed bread (and broke it)

-They were still not yet stirred

-But, they saw that this was a very religious man

-They probably assumed He was a Christ follower

-Maybe even a close disciple

C. He gave

-Does all of this remind you of anything

-It is almost an identical picture to what had taken place the last time we saw Jesus at a meal

-Yet, they still were not stirred

-Here we have Jesus, the giver of gifts

-A picture that is ever true today






III. The Sight Of Jesus

-Vs. 31

A. Physical eyes

-They are still not quite yet stirred

B. Spiritual eyes

-Now, they are finally stirred


-Are you stirred by Jesus’ resurrection today?

-Or has it just become a mundane, routine reality to you

-ILL: 9/11

-September 11, 2001

-Our hearts were stirred even a year later at anniversary services

-But now, more than 5 years later, we have virtually forgotten how that day felt

-We remember the events, but the pain, sorrow and confusion are a distant memory - a far cry from what they once were

-Sadly, for many believers, though they know the story of the resurrection, they do not have the stirring of the resurrection

-It no longer moves them

-It no longer touches their heart

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