
Summary: 1 of ?? Luke informed his audience of the initial steps that God took to turn His people toward Himself. God began the process of turning of His people toward Himself. What principles did God use to begin turning people toward Himself? In Initiating the Turn, God uses...

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‘INITIATING The TURN’-I—Luke 1:5-25


Whenever we go to Florence, we go ‘thru the woods’ rather than using the interstate. To get to Florence, we usually go thru Mechanicsville to ‘South Charleston Road.’ & that comes out by the ‘Otis Elevator Company’ building.

Coming from Bennettsville on Salem Road toward Drake, there is a 90º left turn just after the bridge over Drake’s Millpond slough.

Immediately after that 90º left turn, there is an immediate, even sharper 90º+ right turn, that puts you onto ‘Screwpin Road’ off of ‘Salem/Drake Road.’

When approaching the first turn, & in order to navigate it properly, you must begin slowing down considerably BEFORE the bridge over the creek/slough.

& you can’t just ‘gun it’ immediately after you make the Drake slough turn, because you have to slow down even more, in order to make the immediate right turn onto Screwpin!

Just as major adjustments are put into action, in order to properly & safely ‘Make the Turns’ onto Drake & then Screwpin Roads...

So, fulfilling the prophecies of Malachi 4:5-6 & others of the prophets, toward ‘turning the hearts of His people’, God Himself had to initiate some major changes/adjustments.

*The title of this sermon ‘turns’ on Lk. 1:16-17. ‘INITIATING The TURN’-I—Luke 1:5-25


On a Global level, a national level, & a local level, people are spiritually teased & bantered about by the societies in which they live. There are so many fleshly-driven ‘lifestyles’ available to people & pressed upon people, that it makes your head spin! Each of those lifestyles is chosen by individuals & groups of individuals because of their particular ‘belief system.’...That is, what they hold onto in the depth of their heart & soul.

However, EVEN in the midst of such overwhelming confusion & indecision, a person CAN experience true & lasting peace, certainty, & confidence, in their lives...IF they are simply willing to TURN to God, by trusting Him & His design for the world, that He created.

Over 2000 years ago, God ‘INITIATED’ that TURN toward Himself, thru a Jewish couple in Israel.

Luke informed his audience of the initial steps that God took to turn His people toward Himself.

God began the process of turning of His people toward Himself.

What principles did God use to begin turning people toward Himself?

11 principles God used to begin turning people toward Himself.

1—In Initiating the Turn, God uses...



:5—“There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the division of Abijah. His wife was of the daughters of Aaron, & her name was Elizabeth.”

:6—“& they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments & ordinances of the Lord blameless.”

:7—“But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren, & they were both well advanced in years.”

:5—“There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judea,...”

The initial events which Luke records, took place during the time that “Herod” was “king of Judea.”

The “Herod” noted in verse :5, is ‘Herod the Great.’

•There are 4 different ‘rulers’ named “Herod” mentioned in the Bible—“Herod the Great” was the forefather/progenitor of Herod ‘Antipas’; Herod Agrippa-I; & Herod Agrippa-II. Herod had 14 children.

• “Herod” was born in the far southern section of Palestine, South of the Dead Sea, known as ‘Idumea’ or ‘Edom.’ So though “Herod” reigned over “Judea”, he was not a descendant of Israel or Jacob, but being Idumean or Edomite, was a descendant of Jacob’s brother Esau.—David Guzik.

•At 25 yrs. of age “Herod” ‘the Great’ became ‘Governor’ of Galilee(in 47 BC), by which title he ruled until 37BC.

•Herod received his commission to reign as king, from the Roman senate in 40 BC, at the suggestion of Octavius & Mark Antony(a lifelong friend of Herod’s).

•When Herod conquered Jerusalem 3yrs. later, in 37 BC, he officially began his reign as ‘King of Judea.’

•He reigned as ‘King of Judea‘ from 37 BC-4 BC(death).

•“Herod’s” reign as “King of Judea”, encompassed the Roman occupied lands of 1)“Judea” proper, 2)Galilee(North & West of the Sea of Galilee), 3)much of Perea(Moab & Ammon--SE of the Jordan River & Dead Sea), & 4)included Syria to the Northeast of the Sea of Galilee.

*The events recorded in Luke’s Gospel, took place near the end of Herod’s reign, when he died at 70yrs. of age in 4-BC. Jesus was born near the time of Herod’s death.

•Today, we don’t have time to go into discrepancies concerning our ‘calendar.’

:5—“There was...a certain priest named Zacharias, of the division of Abijah.

The events recorded by Luke, concern a particular priest whose name was “Zacharias.”

“Zacharias”—Zacariav—Noun Proper Masc.—Zacharias = “remembered of Jehovah”—1) The father of John the Baptist; 2) Son of Barachias, who was slain by the Jews between the altar & the temple. Strong—Zacharias(i.e. Zechariah), the name of two Israelites. Used 11X.?Of Hebrew origin—hyrkz Zek-ar-yaw'; OR--whyrkz Zek-ar-yaw'-hoo; Lit = ‘Jah has remembered’— Zecarjah, the name of twenty-nine Israelites.?From—rkz zaw-kar'; —properly--To mark(so as to be recognized), i.e. To remember; by implication--To mention; also(as denominative from rkz)--To be male; a primitive root.—&—hy Yaw—Jah, the sacred name; contraction for hwhy Yeh-ho-vaw'; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God, & meaning the same.

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