In This You Greatly Rejoice
Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: 1- We rejoice in spite of trials 2- We rejoice in honor of Christ 3- We rejoice in hope of salvation
INTRO.- ILL.- Bobby McFerrin sang the song, "Don’t Worry, Be Happy," which came out in 1988.
Here is a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don’t worry be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don’t worry, be happy......
Ain’t got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don’t worry, be happy
The land lord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don’t worry, be happy
Look at me I am happy
Don’t worry, be happy
Here I give you my phone number
When you worry call me
I make you happy
Don’t worry, be happy
Ain’t got no cash, ain’t got no style
Ain’t got not girl to make you smile
But don’t worry be happy
Cause when you worry
Your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
So don’t worry, be happy (now)....
It’s cute but not exactly accurate. Worry is never the answer for our troubles in life but just to tell someone to be happy, won’t get the job done either.
ILL.- The angel asked, "You aren’t happy. How can I help you?" The poet replied, "I have everything. But I lack only one thing. Can you give it to me?" To which the angel happily said, "Sure. I can give you anything you desired."
The poet stared right into the angel’s eyes, "I want happiness."
"All right," the angel nodded. And the angel proceed to take away everything the poet possessed. The angel took away the poet’s talent, destroyed his looks, robbed his riches and killed his wife. The angel then left for heaven.
A month later, the angel appeared in front of the poet. The poet was lying on the ground, half dead, hungry and struggling for survival. The angel then returned him everything he once possessed and left for heaven again.
Two weeks later, the angel paid a visit to the poet. This time, the poet, together with his wife, thanked the angel profusely. He finally found happiness.
What’s the moral of this story? Most of us already have what we need to be happy. If we have it taken away from us then suddenly we would realize it.
Peter said, "In this you greatly rejoice." In what do we greatly rejoice? Basically, it’s our relationship to Christ.
ILL.- We’ve heard it said that when all else fails, please follow the directions. This is especially true when it comes to the Bible. In life, we often try many things. We try to find joy or happiness in many things, but when these fail, we need to follow God’s directions in His Word.
And His Word always points us to a relationship to Christ. Everything good is found in our relationship to Christ. And lasting and satisfying joy comes through Him as well.
PROP.- Let’s note how we can rejoice in life through faith in Christ.
1- We rejoice in spite of trials
2- We rejoice in honor of Christ
3- We rejoice in hope of salvation
6In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.
I like that word "rejoice" but not the words, "in spite of." Why? "In spite of" always indicates something negative is here or coming our way.
Most of us have been through some things in life that we would rather not have experienced. TRUE? Declining health. Loss of loved ones in death. Financial difficulties. Problem or prodigal children. Marital unrest or difficulties.
ILL.- Two hunters came across a bear so big that they dropped their rifles and ran for cover. One man climbed a tree while the other hid in a nearby cave. The bear was in no hurry to eat, so he sat down between the tree and the cave to reflect upon his good fortune. Suddenly, and for no apparent reason, the hunter in the cave came rushing out, almost ran into the waiting bear, hesitated, and then dashed back in again. The same thing happened a second time. When he emerged for the third time, his companion in the tree frantically called out, "Woody, are you crazy? Stay in the cave till he leaves!" "Can’t," panted Woody, "there’s another bear in there."
Is there a bear in your cave? And outside your cave? Often, it seems this way, doesn’t it? We’ve got bears or bear problems coming at us right and left, in front of us and behind us and sometimes all around us.
ILL.- One man said: "Low on gas while on a vacation trip to Las Vegas, I pulled my van into a service station. As I was turning in, I spied lying on the ground a gas cap that looked like it might replace my missing one.