In The Spirit
Contributed by Sam Tollison on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A look at John on the island of Patmos
9 I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. 10 On the Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, 11 which said: "Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea."
12 I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, 13 and among the lampstands was someone "like a son of man," dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. 14 His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.
17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. 18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.
I wish I could tell you that I am “in the spirit” all the time, everyday. My wife is here and she would tell you the truth. There are times when I am not in the spirit. It has nothing really to do with my relationship with God is more about the attitude of the moment.
For example:
Driving on the expressway getting cut off
Coming home and the kids going wild
Having a hard day on the job
My last pastor had a saying that he used often and I know that it will hard for some of you to believe but, he would say, we preachers are border line human and there are days that we are not in the spirit.
1) Let’s take a look at John
one of the original 12 disciples
chosen very young
follwed Jesus 3 ½ years
became the beloved
given charge of Jesus’ mother at the cross
now 90 ears old
preaching in Epesus for 70 yrs.
rewared with a free trip to Patmos by Domietican
2) What about Patmos
today a tourist attraction
5 star hotels
vacation deals
in 96 AD it is desolate
no food
Romans put you there to die of starvation
surrounded by pain and suffering John could say,
I was in the Spirit
Patmos for us is just the stuff of life:
o When we get fired from our job
could be a Patmos for us
o When a loved one is not living right
could be a Patmos for us
o When we watch a parent or child die
could be a Patmos for us
o When a loved one is diagnosed with a incurable disease
could be a Patmos for us
In the middle of our Patmos how do we say
“I was in the Spirit”?
John how did you do it”
How could you make a statement like that”
1) Keep A Close Relationship With Jesus
John 15:1-4
1 "I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
Building and keeping a relationship is hard work
To keep a close relationship with Jesus, we have to work at it.
We have to take care of the little things:
o Pray
o Read the book
o Live it
2) Don’t Look At Hard Times As Obstacles,
But Rather As Opportunities
o opportunities for God to do something awesome in your life
o II Kings 6 - Elisha & Servant surrounded by Armeanen army
o That same God can take our situation and turn around for good
o He can handle anything that comes our way
3) We Have To Put Into Practice
John 14:15
15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command