Contributed by Je Layugan on Aug 1, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: The danger in compromising is that it gives Satan an opening to do his destructive work in our lives.
A story is told about a hunter who was about to shoot a bear. The bear started to talk and said - “Wait, please don’t shoot”. The hunter said, “I sell bear skins for a living. Why should I not shoot you?”
The bear replied, “We can negotiate lah!” “I don’t negotiate with a talking bear”, the hunter responded and was ready to shoot the bear again.
The bear quickly said “Come on, Mr. Hunter don’t be so inflexible. You only want my skin and I just want to fill my stomach, there could be a win-win solution. Let’s sit and talk things out. Isn’t this how civilized people do things?”
The hunter agreed and sat down near the river to have a talk with the bear. After several minutes, the bear left the riverbank with a full stomach. The hunter had bear skin surrounding him. Hope that you got it!
Lesson learned: The hunter by a single act of compromise gave an opening to the bear to attack and kill him. That’s the danger of compromise. It gives Satan an opening to do his destructive work in our lives.
People are compromising when you hear something like;
- I’ve been diligent in things about my faith, I’ll skip my devotion (LG, Church) for once.
- I’ve been a faithful member; I’ll disobey my leader for once.
- I’ve been a trustworthy person; I’ll watch porn for once.
- I’ve been a good husband or wife; I’ll do this for once.
Think for a moment, have you been compromising something?
Whether you have compromised in your life, or in some parts of your life
Great things start from a small beginning – Milo. Great issues start with a simple compromise.
There’s a call for us to live an IMPECCABLE life.
Impeccable means free from fault or blame, not capable of sinning, or in accordance with the highest standards. Live with the highest standard, a life without compromise, so that we will be protected from Satan’s attack.
Before diving into the main text, here's the context
- Paul and his companions started the church in Thessalonica but had to leave the city.
- Later, Paul sent Timothy to find out how the Thessalonians believers were doing.
- Timothy went and came back with a good report. The Thessalonian believers were growing in their newfound faith.
- However, Timothy also reported on some problems in the church.
- Paul, a man who does not tolerate compromise, wrote and sent a letter to the church.
o In 1 Thessalonians chapters 1-3 Paul took time to encourage them
o Then at the beginning of chapter 4, Paul began to address the problems
How to live an impeccable life? A life without compromise.
Firstly, an impeccable life is – A LIFE THAT PLEASES GOD
(Paul reminded them the motivation for living an impeccable life is to please God)
1 Thessalonians 4:1-2 (NIV) 1 As for other matters, brothers and sisters, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as, in fact, you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more. 2 For you know what instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus.
Here, Paul did not start by pointing out the problems. Instead, Paul reminded them that the motivation behind living an impeccable life is their genuine desire to please God. (Why first, what second)
What motivates you? - A subtle but very important and powerful question
Because two people can do exactly the same thing, but the ultimate result can be very different depending on their motivation.
If one is attending and serving in a life group with a little questionable motivation, this person can’t expect the same result as those who are serving because of sincere intentions.
Ask yourself now, what is your motivation?
• God’s punishment?
• To earn people’s approval?
• Afraid to offend your spouse, your family, or the society at large?
These motivations may not be totally wrong. But let me remind all of us that the best motivation for wanting to live a life of no compromise is because we desire to please God.
Have you ever done something you are really proud of, yet you hear unpleasant comments?
The truth is that no matter how good you are it is impossible to please everyone.
My realization is - I can never please everyone. Even if
- I can preach as impactful as the most powerful preacher.
- I can lead as sharp as the most successful leader.
- I can be as kind and caring as a patron saint,
yet, I am sure bashers will always have something to say.
Abraham Lincoln - “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.”