
Imitate Christ

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Our goal in life should be to imitate Jesus and love others like He did. His love was extraordinary, unconditional, and selfless.

Imitate Christ

Youth Group Plan: Imitate Christ (Ephesians 5:1-2)

Youth Sermon: Imitate Christ


Alright, guys, today we're going to talk about the most powerful thing ever: Love. We're supposed to be like Jesus, especially when it comes to loving others. Jesus' love was next-level and didn't depend on what we did. It was all about giving, not getting. Let's try to love like that.

Imagine you're a superhero. Your superpower? Love. Sounds cheesy, right? But think about it. Love can change people's lives. It can turn enemies into friends, sadness into joy, and hate into kindness. That's a pretty cool superpower, don't you think?

Love can change people's lives. It can turn enemies into friends, sadness into joy, and hate into kindness.

God's Love

[Read Ephesians 5:1-2]

In Ephesians 5, Paul tells us to be like God by loving others. Sounds easy, right? But we often mix up God's love with what the world calls love. God's love is no-strings-attached and on purpose. It's the best kind of love, called agape. We can trust His love because it never changes.

John 3:16 says that God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son. We didn't earn His love; He just gave it. God's love is pure, giving, and wants the best for others. We can copy this love by loving others without any conditions or expectations. How can you show this kind of love to others, even those who seem hard to love?

Jesus' Love

Jesus showed love to those who were left out. He loved the woman at the well, the tax collector Zaccheus, and the thief on the cross. Jesus' love didn't care about what was normal. To copy Christ's love, we need to think differently and be ready to stand out. It might seem weird to others, but the out-of-the-box love of Christ can do amazing things.

God's love can change lives in ways you can't even imagine. People who become Christians often say they did because they felt God's no-strings-attached love. This love is amazing and life-changing. We're supposed to believe in Christ's giving love and share it with others. By loving each other, we show that we're followers of Jesus.

John 13:35 says that our love for each other will show that we're followers of Christ. When we love others no-strings-attached and out-of-the-box, we stand out and draw people to Jesus. Let's promise to copy Christ's love and show it to those around us. Who do you know that needs to feel this kind of love? How can you love more like Jesus this week?


Let's pray together.

Hey God, help me get and show the love you have for me and everyone else. Show me how to be more like Jesus in what I do and say. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How can we show unconditional love to others?

2. What are some ways Jesus showed love that we can imitate?

3. How can we love those who are difficult to love?

4. What does it mean to love like Jesus?

5. Share a time when you experienced God's unconditional love.

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Unconditional Love Challenge

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