
Summary: The church is in desperate need of revival. God desires to pour out His Spirit afresh, but we must be willing to seek Him wholeheartedly. When we humble ourselves, pray, and turn from sin, God responds with His mighty presence.


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 2 Chronicles 7:14

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Supporting Texts: Habakkuk 3:2, Acts 2:1-4, Psalm 85:6, Joel 2:28-29, Isaiah 64:1


Revival is the supernatural visitation of God that brings spiritual awakening, transformation, and a return to godly living. Throughout history, revival has been a catalyst for great moves of God, restoring spiritual passion and drawing people back to Him. In 2 Chronicles 7:14, God outlines the conditions for revival: humility, prayer, seeking His face, and turning from sin.

Many believers and churches today have grown cold, losing their fire for God. The distractions of life, sin, and complacency have quenched the flames of spiritual fervour. Just as the early church experienced revival at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4), we too must cry out for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

This sermon explores how to ignite the flames of revival, examining the steps we must take to see a mighty move of God in our lives, churches, and nations.


Revival is necessary whenever there is spiritual decline, lack of power, and a loss of passion for God. Without revival, the church becomes ineffective and loses its influence in the world.

a) Spiritual Decline and Lukewarmness

Many believers have lost their first love for God, falling into complacency (Revelation 2:4-5). When spiritual passion diminishes, revival is needed to restore fire.

b) The Prevalence of Sin and Worldliness

Sin and compromise have infiltrated the church, weakening the body of Christ (Isaiah 59:2). Revival brings conviction and holiness.

c) Lack of Power and Manifestation of the Holy Spirit

The absence of miracles, signs, and wonders is a sign of spiritual dryness (Acts 1:8). Revival restores divine power to the church.

d) Declining Evangelism and Soul-Winning

When believers stop preaching the gospel, souls perish without Christ (Matthew 28:19-20). Revival rekindles a burden for the lost.

e) Biblical Example: The Revival in Nineveh

When Jonah preached, the people repented, and God showed mercy (Jonah 3:5-10). A genuine revival leads to national transformation.


To experience revival, we must meet God’s conditions, which include repentance, prayer, hunger for His presence, and unity in the body of Christ.

a) Repentance and Brokenness Before God

True revival begins with a heart of repentance and humility (Joel 2:12-13). Without repentance, revival cannot take place.

b) Fervent and Persistent Prayer

Prayer is the foundation of every revival (James 5:16). When believers cry out to God in desperation, He responds with fire.

c) Hunger and Thirst for God’s Presence

A revived believer longs for more of God (Matthew 5:6). Revival comes to those who refuse to be satisfied with a dry spiritual life.

d) Unity and Corporate Seeking of God

When the early church gathered in one accord, the Holy Spirit came powerfully (Acts 2:1-4). Revival flourishes where there is unity.

e) Biblical Example: The Revival at Pentecost

The disciples tarried in prayer until the Holy Spirit descended (Acts 2:1-4). Every great revival starts with persistent seeking.


Several factors can hinder revival, including spiritual apathy, sin, prayerlessness, division, and rebellion against God’s ways.

a) Spiritual Apathy and Indifference

When people become too comfortable in their routines, they lose their hunger for God (Amos 6:1). A heart that is indifferent cannot experience revival.

b) Unconfessed Sin and Disobedience

Sin blocks the flow of God’s power and presence (Isaiah 59:1-2). Revival demands a turning away from sin.

c) Prayerlessness and Lack of Seeking God

Without consistent prayer, there can be no revival (Luke 18:1). A prayerless church is a powerless church.

d) Division and Strife Among Believers

Where there is disunity, the Spirit of God is hindered (Psalm 133:1-3). Revival requires oneness in Christ.

e) Biblical Example: Israel’s Stubbornness in the Wilderness

Because of their rebellion, the Israelites missed out on God's blessings (Numbers 14:22-23). A hardened heart delays revival.


When revival comes, there will be undeniable signs, including deep repentance, passionate worship, soul-winning, miracles, and growth in the church.

a) Deep Conviction and Repentance

A true revival brings a strong awareness of sin and the need for change (Acts 2:37). Revival transforms hearts and lives.

b) Passionate Worship and Love for God

Revived believers worship God with zeal and sincerity (John 4:23-24). Worship becomes a lifestyle, not just an activity.

c) Increase in Soul-Winning and Evangelism

When revival comes, the gospel spreads rapidly (Acts 4:33). A revived church is a witnessing church.

d) Manifestation of the Power of God

Miracles, signs, and wonders accompany a move of God (Mark 16:17-18). Revival restores supernatural power to the church.

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