If Your Eye Offends Thee
Contributed by Anthony Smith on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Discussion on the protection of the Body of Christ and the church.Commandments of Jesus Christ, The Head of all things concerning the Church.
If Your Eye Offend Thee. Matthew 6:29-30 , Mark 9:47 In todays world, we are compassed with many different doctrine and religions. Religions that turn the truth into a lie. Jesus told us about these things, so that we could prepare ourselves, for the inevitable. Caring for the church, is a 24/7 duty. We are always on guard for the wolf to inter into the flock. Jesus speaks of this in Matthew 6, lets take a look at what Jesus had to say. “And if thy right eye offend thee,pluck it out, and cast it from thee; for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish,and not that thy whole body should be cast into Hell” Now we know that Jesus wasn’t talking about our physical body in verse 29 and 30, but was talking about the body of Christ, within the church. The church body is a part of the whole body of Christ and must be taken care of as an individual. Paul also speaks of the Body of the Church in 1st Corin. 12:14-27.” For the body is not one member but many.” Jesus and Paul speak of the Church as a body to help us understand the many, parts of the church. They divide the many different duty’s of the church as if they were dividing a human body. The , eye,ear, head, feet, hand, nose, ect. Each one of these has a specific perpose in the life of an individual and also in the life of the church. The Head of the Church is Jesus Christ, Himself. This was directed by God and implemented by the Holy Ghost, as the directing influence of the Church. Eph. 1:22 “ and hath put all things under His feet {Jesus} , and gave Him to be the Head over all things to the Church. Which is His body, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all.” So now that we have established who and what the body is, we can now look at the scriptures with better insight, as to what He was speaking about. Matthew 5: 29 an 30, is a warning and commandment from the Head of the Church {Jesus}, as to who should be removed from the church and why. “If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee...” meaning, if a member of the church having a position, within the body and, the doctrine is contrary to that of the scriptures, he is to be removed from the church {Body}, to prevent the whole body from being contaminated and lost, to be sent to hell. Jesus is concerned about contamination of the body, by false doctrine. As you can clearly see in todays life and especially, where the church is concerned, false doctrine is trying to gain a foot hold in the body of Christ. Evelutionist, homosexuals and the new world order are trying to use, love and words like understanding and tolerance to gain a place within the church. Even the newest translations of the Bible are slowly changing the word to deceive, case and point, a translation is out calling, “the word WAS[ ”A”] God” This may sound insignificant, but changing a single word, changes the meaning. The anti-christ {spirit} will and is trying everything that he can to deceive, the very elect. Jesus said, “...if thy right hand offend thee, CUT IT OFF.” Same meaning as before, there are anti-christian spirits, that are trying to infiltrate the body of Christ with, false doctrine. The scriptures tell us that its better to loose one soul than to loose an entire body of souls. Not everyone will be saved, it is Gods will that no man should perish, but that all should come into repentance. But children, not all will repent. There will be more in Hell than Heaven, its true, its scripture, there will be a massive number going to the Lake of Fire, just because they refuse to come into the light. Because they refuse to believe in Jesus. We as Christians must, get into the word of God deeper than we have. Are we becoming lax in our studies, are we becoming soft, as the body, are we wearing, rose colored glasses and blinders to what is going on around us. Its time to wake up church and smell the roses. The day of death is approaching, we are headed into a day of great tribulation, where only the strong shall survive. Many are called but few are chosen, the way is broad and many there shall find it, warning after warning from Jesus Himself, to watch out over the church, be her guard and protector. But we must be careful with verses 29 and 30, not to use our authority lightly. The Bible gives us ,strict rules, to remove an individual from the body. Matthew 18: 15-18, is the guiding law from Jesus on these matters. What more can be said, what more can I add, to a situation that is on all of the body. Its here it blatant and very real, a danger from within, that could cause many to perish, be vigilant and watch, discuss the word, break it down, understand that eternity is forever and we have to get it right. So, “if your hand offend thee cut it off and if your Eye offend thee, pluck it out. “ Be defenders of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, stand fast in the gospel that you’ve been taught. ars