
Summary: I realize this is a serious statement to make, and I do not make it lightly. This could very well be the last week of my life.

1. It becomes easy to preach words, thoughts, and plans, but it is another thing to live what you preach.

2. The problem today is this: far too many Christians and preachers alike are just playing church.

a. People just come out of habit. Just the thing to do, save face.

b. I often wonder how many really come just because you love the Lord. Some come only because they have not had a better offer. Why are you here today?

3. Today as to the best of my ability, I'm living as if it were the last week of my life.

a. Every word I say as if it were my last words.

b. In every decision I make in the light of eternity.

c. Every place I go.

d. every person I see as if it could be the last time, I would see that person.

4. Is there any scriptural motive for preaching and doing as I am. The word of God is the only thing that really matters in this world.

5. The kindest thing God does for us is that He does not reveal to us the time of our death.

a. All of us know we will die. Hebrews 9:27

b. 1 Samuel 20:3; Proverbs 27:1; James 4:14; John 9:4; all these verses share the same thought. Life now, but no promise of tomorrow.

6. Now with this in mind, there are two lines of thought running through my mind.

7. There would be two attitudes a person would have.

a. That of fear, resentment, unjust.

b. That of joy, anticipation, great expectation

8. All of this is determined by if we are living for self or living for Christ. Acts 7:54-60; Luke 23:34

I. If I Knew This was the Last Week of My Life, What Would be My Feelings Toward Life and Time?

1. Ask, how many have ever been at the point of death? Do you remember what comes to mind?

2. Twice in my life, and each time my thoughts and feelings were toward my family.

a. Not so much financially.

b. But spiritually.

1) Would my wife continue to serve God?

2) Would my children be saved and serving God?

3) You cannot build this in a week, but a lifetime.

3. I think after I had peace about my family, I would want to know about Father, mother, sisters, and brothers.

a. Even if it were just a letter.

b. A phone call

c. You say you don’t care, one day you will care. Luke 15:10; 16:27-28

4. Then my friends.

a. To the saved. I would encourage you to serve God.

b. To the lost. I would speak to them about their soul.

5. What about my personal feelings? I have enjoyed this life. Nothing I would wat to do over.

6. Review: In my last week, I would.

a. Encourage my family to be faithful to Christ.

b. Call or write concerning the salvation of outside family.

c. I will be seeing and encouraging each of you to serve God.

d. Then every person I see or talk to, I will find out about his or her soul.

II. The Life to Come: Heaven and Eternity

1. A reality. 1 John 5:13

a. Face to face with Christ my savior.

b. The apostles, Peter, Paul, John, and Andrew. All the men I have preached about.

2. A rewarding. 2 Timothy 4:6-8

a. The bible speaks of many crowns.

3. A revealing of my personal and private life. 2 Corinthians 5:10-11

a. 1 Corinthians 3:12-15; my motive for service.

b. 1 Timothy 5:24; all unconfessed sin, exposed.

1) Confessed sin is forgotten. 1 John 1:9; Hebrews 8:12; 10:17; Isaiah 38:17

2) Unconfessed sin will be revealed. Romans 2:2; 6:16; Eccl. 12:14; Matthew 12:36; 1 Corinthians 4:5

4. A time of rejoicing

a. I have been obedient to the Lord’s calling.

b. Thank you for letting me preach, see soul’s saved.

c. Thanks for great bible preachers. Men who preached the truth to me. Tithing, missions, obedience, separation.

III. In Closing, Consider These Three Things with Me

1. No salvation promised, tomorrow. Hebrews 3:7-8; 2 Corinthians 6:2; today.

2. No service tomorrow, Matthew 21:28

3. A verse for those who think this service is foolishness. Luke 12:16-20

Only one life, so soon it will be passed, only what’s done for Christ will last, but it will last and last and last.

What if this were your last week, would there be any change made in your life?

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