
If Not Now, When?

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 4, 2023
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This sermon encourages us to understand and embrace our role in God's plan, urging us to respond to His call today, not tomorrow.


Good morning, everyone. It's a beautiful day to gather in the name of the Lord. We're here today, not by accident, but by divine appointment. Each of us has a purpose. Each of us is part of God's grand plan.

Let's start by reading from the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 6, Verse 8: "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'"

This verse speaks to us on so many levels. It talks about God's call, our purpose, and our response. It's about hearing and answering. It's about stepping up and stepping out. It's about being present and being ready.

G.K. Chesterton once said, "The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him." We, too, are soldiers in a way. We fight not out of hate, but out of love. Love for God, love for His people, and love for His purpose.

Today, we will talk about God's grand plan. We'll talk about our purpose in that plan. We'll talk about how we often delay, how we often put off what we know we should do. We'll talk about how God has given us gifts, not for tomorrow but for today.

But before we begin, let's bow our heads in prayer.

God's Grand Plan

When we think about the grandeur of the universe, the vastness of the cosmos, we are often left in awe. It's hard to comprehend the magnitude of it all. Yet, in this vast expanse, there is a plan. A plan so grand, so intricate, that it encompasses every star in the sky, every grain of sand on the earth, and every single one of us. This plan is not a random series of events, but a carefully orchestrated design. It's a plan that was set in motion before the foundation of the world and continues to unfold with each passing moment.

This plan, as vast and complex as it may be, is not impersonal. It's not a cold, calculated blueprint. It's a plan that is deeply personal, deeply intimate. It's a plan that involves you and me. It's a plan that involves our lives, our dreams, our hopes, and our fears. It's a plan that involves our joys and our sorrows, our victories and our defeats. It's a plan that involves every moment of our lives, from the moment we are born to the moment we draw our last breath.

This plan is not about us, but it involves us. It's not about our glory, but His. It's not about our plans, but His. It's not about our will, but His. It's a plan that is centered on God, revolves around God, and glorifies God. It's a plan that reveals His character, His love, His grace, and His mercy. It's a plan that showcases His power, His wisdom, His justice, and His sovereignty.

This plan is not a secret. It's not hidden or obscure. It's a plan that has been revealed to us through His Word. It's a plan that has been made known to us through His Son. It's a plan that has been disclosed to us through His Spirit. It's a plan that we can know, understand, and participate in.

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This plan is not static. It's not stagnant or immobile. It's a plan that is dynamic, active, and alive. It's a plan that is constantly moving, constantly changing, constantly evolving. It's a plan that is always advancing, always progressing, always developing.

This plan is not about the past. It's not about what has been, but what is to come. It's not about what we have done, but what He will do. It's not about our past failures, but His future victories. It's a plan that looks forward, that anticipates, that expects.

This plan is not about comfort. It's not about ease or convenience. It's a plan that involves sacrifice, struggle, and suffering. It's a plan that demands our all, our best, our everything. It's a plan that calls us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him.

This plan is not about isolation. It's not about individualism or independence. It's a plan that involves community, relationship, and unity. It's a plan that calls us to love one another, serve one another, and bear one another's burdens.

This plan is not about certainty. It's not about having all the answers or knowing all the details. It's a plan that involves faith, trust, and dependence. It's a plan that calls us to walk by faith, not by sight.

Purpose and Procrastination

We find ourselves, then, in the heart of Isaiah's narrative ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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