If A Donkey Could Talk
Contributed by Vinnie Cappetta on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: What story could hold such importance that it is found in every Gospel? They all record His baptism, the feeding of the 5,000 from five loaves and two fishes, Mary’s anointing of the Lord Jesus, His prayer in the garden of Gethsemane, His betrayal, trial
If a Donkey Could Speak
Matthew 21:1-11
One of the few accounts found in all four gospels. What story could hold such importance that it is found in every Gospel?
They all record His baptism, the feeding of the 5,000 from five loaves and two fishes, Mary’s anointing of the Lord Jesus, His prayer in the garden of Gethsemane, His betrayal, trial, crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection.
Only two animals in the Bible that ever spoke: serpant and the donkey.
If a donkey could speak . . .
At first I thought I was the center of attention. The cheering people, the palm branches, the coats on the side of the road. But slowly I began to realize that I was not the center of attention. It was the man riding on my back.
The people cried, “Bless the coming Kingdom of our ancestor David.” Apparently, this man Jesus was the center of the procession and the center of God’s plan for the entire world.
It is hard to believe that some of the people who blessed this man on his way into Jerusalem later cursed him and called for his death.
Just as I mistook myself for the center of attention on that day, many humans reject Jesus whenever they mistake themselves for the center of attention.
I wasn’t the center of the party, but the Creator clearly said that He needed me. He sent his disciple students to take me away from my owners so that he could ride me into the holy city.
But if I was not to be the center, then what would He do with me? Why not a camel decked in sumptuous velvets or a white stallion outfitted for battle? Why such a lowly creature like me?
Perhaps it is because of my endurance, my agility on the roughest ground, or my gentle and patient spirit.
Later the disciples remembered that I was a fulfillment of prophesy (Isa. 62:11 and Zech 9:9). Jesus knew exactly what He was doing when He called the disciples to untie me from my home.
That illustrates beautifully that Jesus knows what He is doing in your life as well. He does nothing by chance. He plans well in advance and has chosen you before the foundations of the world to bring Him glory. Had not the people blessed Jesus on this day, the very rocks would have cried out.
How sad it would be that rocks and donkeys obey and bring glory to God, but man often chooses a different path. How glorious when man chooses to praise His Creator.
I had never been ridden by any human before Jesus called me. I was untrained and untested. I didn’t know if I was up for the task, but Jesus didn’t ask for perfection. All He needed was my willingness.
Everyday I watch people hesitate in their work for the Lord b/c they feel untrained and unsure of themselves. I wish they knew what Jesus could do if they but stepped out in faith and allowed Jesus to use them.
I still don’t fully understand why the Creator of the cosmos took the time to coach his disciples to ask my owner for permission to use me. Jesus is a perfect gentleman and showed so on this occasion. He will never force someone to serve Him.
Us donkeys are known for our stubbornness, but for those who know us well, we are also known as intelligent, cautious, friendly, playful, and eager to learn. On this day I was eager to learn what these strangers had in mind for me.
There I was tied up in front of my owner’s home. Jesus’ disciples came and untied me. I had overheard stories of how Jesus had Lazarus unloosed from his grave clothes. I felt such freedom when that rope was untied. I could run. I could do my own thing. I could carry on the long tradition of stubbornness.
But something told me that the adventure of following Jesus would be much more rewarding than any adventure I could conjure up on my own. So I bucked against my inner desire for self-preservation and placed myself at the disposal of Jesus’ disciples.
They placed garments on my back and then Jesus sat on my back. I became Christ’s platform. I became a throne for the King of Kings. Because of me people could see Jesus.
Shouldn’t that be goal for all of us?
Though I may seem dull, I love my master and like any donkey, I can find Him out and run to even in a crowd of other men.
In what ways do you think Christians are stubborn like donkeys? In what ways are you stubborn?
In what ways are you mistaking yourself for the center of attention?