

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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We are created in God's image, designed for community, and destined to make a positive impact on our surroundings.


Youth Group Plan: Identity (Genesis 1:26)

Youth Sermon: Identity


Have you ever seen the movie 'The Blindside'? It's about this kid, Michael Oher, who grew up on the rough streets of Memphis. But then, this family saw something in him that no one else did. They took him in, loved him, and helped him become a star in the NFL. But what if they hadn't seen who he really was? What if he never found out what he was capable of?

But what if they hadn't seen who he really was? What if he never found out what he was capable of?

Made in God's Image

This makes me think of a verse in the Bible, Genesis 1:26. It says, 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.' This is God talking, and He's saying that He made us to be like Him. That's pretty cool, right?

Now, imagine you're looking at a mirror. What do you see? You see your reflection, right? But what if that mirror was dirty or cracked? You wouldn't see a clear image of yourself. That's what happens when we let others define who we are. We get a distorted image of ourselves. But when we look at ourselves through God's eyes, we see our true reflection.

Reflecting God's Traits

Being made in God's image means we share some of His traits. Like, we're creative. We make art, music, and even our Instagram posts are a form of creativity. We also have a unique relationship with time. We're always planning, scheduling, and trying to make the most of our time. And we love to hang out and eat with our friends, creating memories over meals. Plus, we have language, which lets us express ourselves in ways that no other creature can.

God also made us to take care of His creation. We're not here to trash the place, but to make it better. We're supposed to be good stewards, taking care of the world and making a positive impact.

Reflecting God's Image Today

So, what can you do today to reflect God's image? Maybe it's using your creativity to make someone's day brighter. Or maybe it's using your words to encourage a friend. Or maybe it's just being a good steward of your time and resources. Whatever it is, make it happen.


God, thank you for making us in Your image. Help us to see ourselves as You see us, and to reflect Your love and creativity in the world around us. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How do you see yourself reflecting God's image in your daily life?

2. How can we better steward the world around us?

3. What is one way you can use your God-given characteristics to create community this week?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: God's Image in Me

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