

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 5, 2023
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To understand and embrace Jesus as the Bread of Life, our ultimate source of satisfaction and the promise of eternal life.


Good morning, family! I’m excited to dive into God’s Word with you today. We are going to focus on a passage that has so much richness and depth that it's like an endless well we can draw from.

In the words of pastor and author John Piper, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” I want you to hold onto that as we dig into today's message, remembering that our true satisfaction and fulfillment are found only in God.

The Bread of Life

The Bread of Life is a profound metaphor that Jesus uses to describe Himself in the passage we just read. This metaphor is rich in meaning and carries several implications for our lives.

Firstly, bread is a basic staple of life. It's a fundamental part of our diet, providing us with the necessary nutrients to survive. Similarly, Jesus is the essential sustenance for our spiritual lives. Without Him, we are spiritually malnourished, lacking the necessary nourishment for our souls. Just as our bodies cannot function without physical food, our spirits cannot thrive without the spiritual nourishment that comes from a relationship with Jesus.

Secondly, bread is often associated with satisfaction. When we eat bread, our hunger is satiated. In the same way, Jesus satisfies our spiritual hunger. In a world that constantly leaves us feeling empty and unfulfilled, Jesus offers us true satisfaction. He fills the void in our hearts that nothing else can fill. He quenches our spiritual thirst and satiates our spiritual hunger.

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Thirdly, bread is a symbol of sustenance and provision. In the Lord's Prayer, we ask God to "give us this day our daily bread," acknowledging our dependence on Him for our daily needs. Similarly, Jesus is our spiritual provider. He meets our every need, providing us with grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness. He is the source of all good things in our lives.

Fourthly, bread is a communal food. It's often shared among family and friends, symbolizing unity and fellowship. Similarly, Jesus brings us into fellowship with God and with each other. Through His sacrifice on the cross, He has reconciled us to God, enabling us to have a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father. He also unites us as the body of Christ, bringing us together in love and unity.

Lastly, bread is a symbol of life. In the Old Testament, God provided manna from heaven to sustain the Israelites in the wilderness. This was a physical representation of God's provision and care for His people. In the New Testament, Jesus declares Himself to be the true bread from heaven, the one who gives life to the world. He is not just a provider of physical sustenance, but the giver of eternal life.

The Source of Our Identity

Understanding our identity in Christ is a fundamental aspect of our Christian faith ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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