
Summary: At times, some devoted people are cut off before their time, but if God's children can pray and be discerning, untimely deaths could be avoided.

From the Genesis 4 story, we see that:

• Waste could come from jealousy and anger (Gen. 4:5).

• Jealousy could develop into enmity.

• Enmity could arise from within, as Cain and Abel were brothers.

• Enmity could arise from without, as Peter and King Herod were not related - Acts 12:1-19

o Pray that God will rescue you from all enemies within and without.

o Declare, ‘I will not be wasted, in Jesus’ name.”

One could be innocent yet be wasted:

• Abel was wasted, maybe because he was not discerning. Had he any inclination that his brother’s invitation to go to the field (Gen. 4:8) was a death trap, he might have avoided death.

o Prayer for the spirit of discernment so that you will not be wasted.

• Abel was innocent but wasted, maybe because he had no one praying for him.

• James was innocent but wasted, maybe because no one was praying for him (Acts 12:1-2).

• Peter was NOT wasted because he had the church praying for him (Acts 12:12).

o Ask God to raise up prayer warriors for you.

o Ensure you, too, are praying for someone; your prayers may rescue them from being wasted.

These prayers are essential because Cain, who killed and wasted the innocent Abel, still lived on to form a family (Gen. 4:17-22). In this story, we see that killers themselves do not want to die (Gen. 4:9-16).

• All powers that want to take you out shall be destroyed in the name of Jesus.

• You will not be wasted, in Jesus’ name.

We thank God for the blood of Jesus that speaks better things than the blood of Abel – Heb. 12:24.

Therefore, if the blood of Abel, a man whose blood was spilled without his consent (Gen. 4:8), could speak (Gen. 4:10; Heb. 11:4), how much more the blood of Jesus that was spilled with His consent (John 10:17) deliver us from our sins (Isa. 53:3) and enemies (Rev. 12:11).

If God spares your life, will you tell of His goodness?

• You owe it to God to proclaim His goodness. Psalm 118:17 says, “I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.”

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