I Will Never Leave You Series
Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Sep 7, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: The world and people have hurt us and not done what they said they would do. We cannot mix the faults of people with the promises of Jesus. He will do what He says and keep every promise.
I will never leave you
John 14:15-29, Exodus 14
Good Morning everyone
As we continue in the series navigating the journey- Jesus words “I will never leave you or forsake you”
Remember the journey is our first breath to last breath
Start to finish in life Jesus gives us choices and gives us chances to draw near to Him. He desires for us to have a relationship with Him. He choose us and we have a choice wither we will choose Him.
How many have had someone say “I will be there for you”? “I will love you forever”? “You can count on me”? ‘Trust me” We all have and we have all been hurt by people that have said that and not kept their word.
Life is hard and life does not usually come with a roadmap and clear directions on how to navigate through those relationships and those hardships.
But for a believer, a follower of Christ, Jesus has said that He would not leave us or forsake us- both the Old Testament and the New Testament contain these words.
Words that God won’t leave the Nation of Israel (warning others to not mess with Israel) and Jesus won’t leave the believer (those who have put their faith and trust in Jesus)
What can we expect from Jesus as He says those words to us?
America is in trouble- because the glue that has held us together has been removed.
This country was dedicated to God as they sought out a place to worship - they were united in their cause and they were kept by the promises of God.
There was a covenant made between God Almighty and the people of the USA. The covenant said I will be your God and you will be my people. It starts unraveling, not because God does not want to be our God anymore but because we say to God that we do not want him to be our God.
Division is not a new thing. Sinning against God created an open door for each of us to make a choice and the choice we make is the choice we will live with for eternity if we die in our sin without God.
John 14- This chapter is (1) Jesus comforting his disciples, (2) instructing his disciples and (3) promising his disciples that they would not have to do things by themselves or do it in their own strength. THAT JESUS WOULD BE WITH THEM!
There are some this morning that would say they are tired and they are holding on for some answers and Jesus is saying to you this morning- I will not leave you or forsake you.
Jesus says take my words to heart and learn from me!
He comforted them by saying that their hearts should not be troubled, that He (Jesus) was going ahead of them to prepare a place and that He is coming back so that where He is now, we may be later- that brings me comfort, especially after Becky moving to her new home. He prepared a place for her and He prepares a place for us as we put our trust in Him. The disciples didn’t totally get it and we struggle also with the unknown and the super natural- if we cannot see it or touch it, we have a hard time with it. He says that the comforter (Holy Spirit) has to come and then after the comforter comes, he will return and bring his people back together.
John 14:15-29
There are several things we need to see if we are to grab the truth that for a believer that Jesus will not… leave us or forsake us. Those are not just words. They are a promise.
I will not leave you
“If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another counselor to be with you forever”
If you love me, I will empower you!
Love for Christ is proven and demonstrated by our obedience to all that He says.
The comforter, counselor, advocate, encourager, intercessor, Holy Spirit, Helper.
The Greek word for it is “parakletos” DEFENSE ATTORNEY- “ One that stands in for us as all these things!
“Savior who moves mountains” for us who protects, defends, and saves us from ourselves and our enemies.
Word picture of the Holy Spirit coming to end the curse of sin in our lives.
Jesus saying to his disciples- when I go, He will come (Holy Spirit) and to us today- When I left, The Holy Spirit came.
Jesus prophesied that He must go so that He can come!
There are three ways Jesus will come-
He returned from the dead and was resurrected. (Already done)