I Will Live In-Between #1 Answering The Call Isaiah 6-1 Series
Contributed by Robert Malcolm on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God isn't looknig for qualified people as much as He is looking for willing people to serve Him. Are you willing to answer the call?
Answering the Call
(Isaiah 6:1-8)
~ Intro: This year will be different (video) what are you willing to commit to?
The world did this in mass on new years day by making resolutions. A resolution is simply a firm decision to do or not do something.
4 things about answering the call we learn in our text, Isaiah 6:1…
1. God uses circumstances to get our attention.(vrs 1-5)
• In reading these verses it is easy to become so impressed with the vision; that we pass over the circumstance that brought it about.
- It was a time of loss, an experience of grief for Isaiah as his friend had died.
- Uzziah’s death had left Isaiah feeling shocked and hopeless.
- Everything in Isaiah’s world was in confusion, his king was dead, his nation was in peril, and he could do nothing to change them!
- His earthly circumstances turned his eyes upwards.
- Notice this is when he “saw the Lord”
• What was the Lord doing? The Lord was sitting down! Calmly seated on His throne, God is totally in charge.
- He was not wringing His hands, wondering what will he do now Uzziah’s gone.
- Not worried about who will rule over the people, He is not phased at all by the situation.
• God gets our attention is so we will be aware of His presence.
- What is God allowing in our life to get our attention?
- Are we listening or getting frustrated?
2. God reveals His character to make us see our need.(vrs 6-7)
• Isaiah saw God and thought, who am I that I would even be here seeing this.
• Quote: “Whatever our excuses God is bigger than any of those reasons. He specializes in taking bruised, soiled, broken, guilty, and miserable vessels and making them whole, forgiven, and useful again”.
• God cleanses us making us fit for service. (consider these examples)
- Isaiah’s lips were cleansed so he could speak.
- ADAM was a failure.
- NOAH was a drunk.
- ABRAHAM was too old.
- ISAAC was a daydreamer.
- JACOB was a liar.
- LEAH was ugly.
- JOSEPH was abused.
- MOSES had a stuttering problem.
- GIDEON was afraid.
- SAMSON was a womanizer.
- RAHAB was a prostitute.
- JEREMIAH was too young.
- DAVID had an affair and was a murderer.
- ELIJAH was suicidal.
- ISAIAH preached naked.
- JONAH ran from God.
- NAOMI was a widow.
- JOB went bankrupt.
- JOHN the Baptist ate bugs.
- PETER denied Christ.
- The disciples all fell asleep while praying.
- MARTHA worried about everything.
- MARY MAGDALENE was demon possessed.
- The SAMARITAN WOMAN was divorced more than once.
- ZACCHEUS was too small.
- PAUL was too religious.
- TIMOTHY had an ulcer.
- And LAZARUS was dead
- What do we need to surrender to God for redemption?
3. God gives us hope so that we know we are useful.(vrs 8)
• God could have reached the people anyway he wanted to.
- Yet he chooses to use ordinary people like you and me.
• God touches us, changes us, gives us hope and then He sends us out.
- Oliver Cromwell was Lord Protector of England. During his battles with Charles 1st a problem occurred. They had run out of silver. Cromwell ordered a search throughout the land for silver. When his soldiers reported back; the news they gave him was bad; The only silver to be found is in the statues in the churches. Cromwell replied; “In that case we will melt down the saints and put them into circulation”.
- What if the church reached the world the way business did:
• 97% of the world has heard of coke-a-cola
• 72% of the world has seen a can of coke-a-cola
• 51% of the world has tasted a can of coke-a-cola
• Coke has only been around 130 years.
• If God had given the task of world evangelisation to the Coke company;
• It would probably be done by now.
• God could have … yet He chooses to use ordinary people like us.
Now there is one last point from this story…
4. God expands our vision to make us evaluate our availability.
• Did you notice God asked “Who will go?”
• He says, “This is where I am going, will you come with me?”
- Isaiah responds “Yes, I will!” not out of blind obligation or religious duty.
- He was now looking at life through God’s lens.
- When Hudson Taylor was director of the China Inland Mission, he often interviewed candidates for the mission field. On one occasion, he met with a group of applicants to determine their motivations for service. "And why do you wish to go as a foreign missionary?" he asked one. He replied "I want to go because Christ has commanded us to go into all the world…” Another said, "I want to go because millions are perishing without Christ." Others gave different answers. Then Hudson Taylor said, "All of these motives, however good, will fail you in times of testings, trials, tribulations, and possible death. There is but one motive that will sustain you in trial and testing; namely, the love of Christ".