
Summary: What does it mean to "follow Jesus"? This evangelistic message helps explain in real terms what exactly we are called to do.

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(Luke 18.18-30)


Ask the average person on the street, or some of the people you know "are you a Christian?", they would probably answer, "of course". They would say that be-cause they aren’t atheist, Jewish, Islam, or Bhuddist.

Ask the same person how you become "right with God", and they would probably say some-thing along the lines of "be good; don’t commit any of the "big ones"; and if your good side is bigger than your bad side, you’ll be ok."

Unfortunately, nothing could be further than the truth. You see, being a Christian changes you. Being a Christian is a way of life, a relationship with God that comes only through faith in Jesus Christ.

Look at the verse printed across the top of your outline. Let’s read it together.

"Disciple" means a student. I don’t know what kind of student you were or are, but a real stu-dent is diligent and sincere in their efforts. A real student becomes consumed by what they are studying.

In the same way, a disciple of Christ follows his/her teacher, and actually becomes like them. Jesus said, "take my yoke upon you and learn from me"

"Christian" means one of Christ’s. A student pays for the privilege of learning. A student of Christ has a scholarship: bought and paid for by the master. We are owned by Jesus. We are one of His.

A favorite term of Paul is "bondslave". We are owned by Christ, and beholden to Him.

Jesus often called people to "follow Me". But what does that mean? What does it mean to fol-low Jesus? To be a disciple of Christ? To be a Christian?

Let’s take a look.

I. It means we believe with all our hearts that Jesus died and rose again for our sins.

A. Let’s read the verse on the outline: John 3.16

1. We know this, right?

2. But do you know this?

3. We don’t want to miss heaven, and all God has to offer by 12 inches!

B. We are sinners. No matter how good we are, we aren’t good enough. Ever.

1. God knew this¡K do you?

2. He knew we couldn’t pay, so He sent Jesus to die in our place.

C. Notice it says, "believes in Him"

1. Blondin and Niagra Falls

2. Will you trust your eternal destiny to Jesus?

3. Do you believe with all your heart?

That’s what it means to follow Jesus.

II. It means we love Jesus.

A. Let’s read the verse together: Mark 12.30

1. It seems odd for men to express love for another man

2. I think it’s because we really don’t understand what love is¡K our view of love has been corrupted

3. "I love you" = I want to have sex with you

B. To love someone means we commit our heart, our soul, our mind, and our strength to them.

1. There is no holding back

2. "I love you" 99% isn’t good enough

3. And to love God means we turn it all over to Him

4. "I love you Lord" and I lift my voice. To worship you, oh my soul, rejoice.

5. God loved us, and de-clares it for the world to hear and see

„« Jesus: "I love you this much"

6. And we love Him back

That’s what it means to follow Jesus.


A. Let’s read the verse together: Proverbs 3.5-6

1. What is the document called that pretty much founded the United States of America?

„« Declaration of Inde-pendence

2. See? We don’t want to de-pend on someone else!

„« Goal: self-sufficiency

3. As a Christian, as a fol-lower of Jesus, God wants just the opposite:

„« Trust Me!

„« Depend on Me!

4. If it’s to be, it’s up to Thee!

5. James 4. And "if God wills"

B. Growing as a Christian, ma-turing as a follower of Christ, has to do with this very thing

1. Leaning on God

2. Learning to trust God

3. Following God’s direction

4. Recognizing God at work

C. "In God We Trust"

1. We want it on our money, but do we want it in our life?

That’s what it means to follow Jesus.

IV. It means we obey Jesus

A. Let’s read the verse together: John 14.15

1. Ever think about how we form opinions?

„« Parents

„« Peers

„« Experiences

„« Gut feelings

2. The follower of Jesus learns what is right and wrong from the words of Jesus¡K The Word of God

„« That’s where we learn what is right and wrong

B. To claim to be a follower of Christ, a disciple of Jesus, a Christian, and not to obey Him, does not compute!

1. We cannot pick and choose what we want out of this relationship with God

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