
Summary: Let’s learn to throw up our hands and praise Him in the battle.

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I THINK I’M GOING TO THROW UP...My hands and praise the Lord

I. Are You Sick?...

How many in here this morning have ever been

so sick of something that it made you want to

throw up?

I’m not just talking about being sick with the

flu and feeling like you need to throw up!

I’m not just talking about some sort of sickness

that makes you feel nauseated.

I’m talking about being sick of anything.

Roller coasters, Your spouses driving, Sea

sickness, etc.

Maybe you’re sick of a certain type of food.

And every time you see it, or every time you

smell it it makes you sick.


(Things I Can’t Stomach)

Let’s face it this morning...

There’s just somethings out there that we can’t


Like it or not whether it’s a certain type of food,

or a certain smell or whatever it is...

It makes you feel so sick that you actually want

to throw up.

It’s not abnormal.

Even God gets so sick he wants to throw up.

Rev 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.

I think it’s safe to say that luke warm

Christians make God wanna throw up. Amen?

He can’t stomach their half hearted attempt at

serving Him.

How many’s ever been sick like that before?

So sick that your body gets to a point where it

cant handle certain things or viruses or

ailments motions it responds the way nature

created it to respond.

It takes everything thats within you and throws

it right back up. Amen?

And how many knows that as soon as you

throw up…you always feel better…..

Well who came here this morning looking for a


Maybe you didn’t feel so good about life this


But you just knew if you could make it to

church you could feel so much better.

Anyone here sick and tired of being sick and

tired this morning and you want to feel better...

Is your circumstance making you sick?

Is there anyone here this morning that’s sick of

the Devil?

Are you sick of the problems and troubles

coming your way?

How many got problems?

Well are you sick of the problems this


Are you sick of being in financial turmoil?

Are you sick of being afflicted and sickly in

your body?

Are you sick of ol’ slew foot trying to steal your


Are you sick of the enemy trying to kill your


Are you sick of the storms of life?

Are you sick of the way the world is today?

And do you want to feel better?

How many in here have ever been let down

kicked around and over looked?

And you want to do something about it?

You want to feel better?

II. You Need To Throw Up...


UP……your hands and worship God.

No matter what your trouble is... Throw up

your hands and worship God?

When the going gets tough the tough start

praising God. Amen?

When the Devil is beating down your door start


When trouble comes knocking...start praising

When you feel like you can’t go no more keep

on praising God?

Because even though you might not be able to

defeat your enemy, God can. Amen?

And if you keep on praising Him He has to

show up in the middle of your circumstance,

Cause His word says He inhabits the praises of

His people.

He will show up!

God is not a man that He should lie!

He is faithful to do whatever He said He would


And He will fight your battle?

He has already overcome,

And He’ll make an overcomer out of you.


When trouble comes,When tests come, and

trials come...

We need to quit letting the fear set in...

We need to fight off those emotions that leave

us powerless to act on God’s Word.

And we need to just get sick of the enemy and

throw up our hands and worship God!

We need to start shouting the victory

And throw up our hands and start praising the

One who gave it!

We need to dance on the grave of the enemy….

Whatever your enemy is

Depression, Hurt, Anger, Fear, Failure,

Whatever the Devil uses to get at you!

You need to dig a spiritual hole..

And put up a spiritual tombstone by it…

And write your enemies name on it so the devil

can see it..

And then tear the ground up dancing on top of

it!!! Amen?

See your worship might not take your

problem away…..

It might not put the enemy in that spiritual

grave yard.

but it lets the devil know……I am back!

I’m not defeated! I’m not backing down!

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