
Summary: When you are going through, know that God can hear you/

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There was a song that was song in the days of old that went like this: I love the Lord he heard my cry, and pity every groan.

In this scripture neighborhood of our text, we located this message in the book of Exodus in chapter one and two. In fact if we were to study this lesson closely we will notice that Exodus really picks-up where Genesis discontinues as it gives us the ancient description of how the children of Israel went from the episodes of years of Joseph to the affairs of Moses. Noticed that these scriptures, advances us from the stages of being blessed to an era of being in bondage, enslaved and suppressed.

And if we were to recall the events of the nation of Israel at one point and time it seems as though the Israelites felt comfortable, and content with living in Egypt and with the living arrangements in Egypt. And I think that I need to pause early and tell someone that we ought not get to comfortable and content in the living arrangements and in a bondage situation. I also notices something while they in were in Egypt. While they were residing in Egypt we see that they developed in their population and in their strength, but what they didn’t know and understand is that Egypt was not their permanent home.

And what they didn’t know is that Pharaoh’s plans were to starve them to death. In fact his agenda was to oppress them physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Under the thumb of Pharaoh they were facing annihilation, elimination and extermination. The scripture declared in chapter one and verse thirteen of Exodus, that the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour: verse 14 says “And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in morter, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour”. The children of Israel were going through. The children of Israel were dealing with hardships and some pain. I can only image that the agony was almost unbearable.

And some of us may be feeling just like the children of Israel, sometimes you may find yourself enduring an overwhelming amount of suffering, and misery within your life, and the question is still, what should I do. How do I deal with this position that I’m in?

Can I tell you that in the time of harsh conditions that it is typically for some people to rely upon their emotions to deal with their troubles and their disappointments? Some of us rely on our emotions to deal with our displeasures and


But I think that I need to stop right here and to tell someone that needs this message, that in our time of need, is the time when we need to seek the Lord. In our time of trouble, is the time when we need to seek the face of the Lord, they needed to make some life changing decisions.

Because while they were going through these hardships the children of Israel had to make some decisions, they had to come to grips with some things. After the suffering in chapter one and most of chapter two, they had to make some life changing choices.

And some of us that are dealing with the pressures of life, those of us that are pressured with the weight and the forces of stress, we need to follow verse twenty-three closely.

Because in chapter two and verse twenty-three it says, “And it came to pass in process of time, that the king of Egypt died: and the children of Israel sighed by reason of the bondage, and they cried, and their cry came up unto God by reason of the bondage.

In verse twenty-three, their first response was to “cry”. Their bondage in Egypt gave them cause to cry. And someone that’s on the live who might be going through what you are going through, it just might make you cry. Crying is alright, but I think that I need to tell someone that crying by itself won’t make your problems go away. Crying alone won’t take care of the problems, in fact sometimes crying will send you into a dark space of depression.

Sometimes crying will make you feel like giving up. Sometimes crying will make you feel alone and by yourself. And I’ve seen at time that when some of us “cry” we will often respond to the situation with our emotions, which sometimes seems to make matters worse for us.

But on the other hand, sometimes crying relieves the pain, sometimes crying will become the release valve, the regulator, the spigot of relief, sometime crying can be good for us. Crying alone won’t always fix the problem.

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