
I Know Who You Are

Premium Sermon
Created by PRO Premium on Jan 23, 2024
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This sermon explores the recognition of Jesus's identity as the Messiah through his teachings, miracles, and authority, and encourages believers to acknowledge and trust His work in their lives.

I Know Who You Are

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  • 4 Sermon Videos for the Big Screen
  • 2 Promotional Images for Social Media
  • Presentation Slide Deck


Have you ever been somewhere and you catch a glimpse of someone who you think you know - but you’re not sure. So you lean in, reposition, and try to get a better look at them…Eventually you get the angle you need and you’re able to see their face clearly. You’re able to see that either YES you do know them or NO, that’s not the person I thought it was.

In this scenario it’s those moments between recognition and clarity that can feel somewhat exhilarating… You might be thinking, “Is that my old roommate? Is that my kindergarten teacher? Etc… Maybe some of their features and characteristics have faded over the years. Maybe your eyesight isn’t what it used to be… Whatever the case, it can be fun to run into someone you know in a place you’re not used to seeing them.

Today, in the gospel of Mark, we witness a powerful encounter with Jesus that leaves people amazed and demons reeling as they recognize the true identity of Jesus. The title of our sermon is 'I Know Who You Are', which emphasizes the ultimate authority of Christ, the immediate recognition of the demons, and the spread of Jesus’ fame as related to His true identity. It’s one thing to run into an old friend at the supermarket, it’s an entirely different story to cross paths with the savior of mankind…The Holy One of God.

The Authority of Jesus (Mark 1:21-22)

In these opening verses, we find Jesus in the synagogue at Capernaum, teaching with an authority that captivates those present. The people are not merely impressed; they are astonished. It is an authority unlike anything they have witnessed before. This authority is rooted in divine wisdom and understanding, setting Jesus apart as a teacher with unparalleled insight into the heart of God.

The response of the people is telling – their amazement reveals the impact of encountering the living Word of God ... View this full sermon with PRO Premium

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