
Summary: It would not be an exaggeration, but an understatement to say God has already prearranged 1,000’s of events, waiting to happen in your life to increase you, to promote you and to bless you.

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I have a plan!

Illus. by Christian Cheong

A famous British writer George Bernard Shaw once visited a sculptor Sir Jacob Epstein at his studio. The visitor noticed a huge block of stone standing in one corner and asked what it was for. "I don’t know yet. I’m still making plans."

Shaw was astounded. "You mean you plan your work. Why, I change my mind several times a day!" As a writer, I just start writing whatever comes to mind.

"That’s all very well with a four-ounce manuscript," replied the sculptor, "but not with a four-ton block of stone.” My work takes a plan!

Eccl. 9:11 NKJ

11. I returned and saw under the sun that?

The race is not to the swift,

Nor the battle to the strong,

Nor bread to the wise,

Nor riches to men of understanding,

Nor favor to men of skill;

But time and chance happen to them all.

But time and chance happen to them all?

The entitlement thinking of the world nowadays, would have you think there is not equal footing for all. How there are some who are privileged in life!

And if you really want to know the truth of it, there's not equal footing for all! Here’s why! If God is not in your life, you my friend are at an unfair advantage! Because Gods Favor and Protection is not on your life!

Some would say, well I know all about God. Either the choice is made to know about God, or the choice is made to actually have a relationship with, and know God’s Son Jesus personally.

TBS in James 2:19 NKJ

You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!

If you know JESUS as your Lord and Saviour and God is in your life, you have an tremendous advantage over the rest of the world, who doesn’t know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

Before the world began, God looked ahead, and laid out a plan for every ones life.

And nobody makes plans like God makes plans!

God makes good plans, Praise God!

He says; ?I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out, plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.? Jerm.29:11 MSG.

Knowing God is capable of everything with unlimited resources, who wouldn't want to experience the God of everything's possible...Plans for their life?

In order for Gods plans to be successful in your life though, there are a few choices to be made!

Listen to what God says, do what He says to you and never stop doing either!

You would think, with such an easy 3 step program, there would be a line with standing room only, to sign up?

While you can lead someone who is thirsty to the vast supply of living water God has, free will still causes them to decline the invitation!

You would think with so little hope in the world right now, more people would be willing to embrace;

* the God of Love

* the God of Grace

* to the God of Mercy and Forgiveness

* the God of miracles

* the God of blessings and endless possibilities His Favor!

* the God of healing! Amen?

God is and wants to be all those things and so much more...but you still have to be willing to choose to be a part of His Plan for your life, to receive them!

God has given serious thought to every human being's life, in the history of the world?s life and destiny.

TBS. ?I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out? plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for,

And God’s plans, are expansive in detail, God’s plans are inclusive in nature, God has vast resources to share and provisions for whosoever wants to partake!

If you are willing to step out in faith, into the life that God has planed for you, He will freely give you that Life to Live! Praise God!!

God has marked moments, life changing events, already laid out for all of us to walk into and enjoy!

*Things you can and will experience, that will grow your faith and bless you!

*These moments are not ordinary. They are destiny-altering moments of victory!

*God inspired and engineered successes, designed to thrust you years ahead, of what would take a lifetime to achieve.

The accuser, right now is trying to raise a rebuttal in someone's mind...due to age or physical capabilities. God would have me tell you don't accept the lie, Step out in Faith and receive what has already been prepared for you!

Our text in Ecclesiastes, tells us that time and chance come together for every person. That's right, good and bad happen to everyone!

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