
Summary: A childs questions on John 3:16. Lets not forget about the children, Please. The Bible says that all ages will be in Hell, Lets save them with Jesus, and all go together.

I dont understand. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whomsoever believeth on Him should not perish but have ever lasting life. On a cool summers evening, I walked out onto our frount porch and sat down on our porch swing, just to be alone and to think about nothing. Mom and Dad were in the kitchen washing the evening dishes and talking about the events of the day. I was drinking a glass of lemonade and was setting it down on the stool by the swing, when I noticed moms Bible laying there. With somewhat of a curious nature ,I picked it up and began to leaf throu it. I found a piece of notebook paper folded up and looked at where it was, it was the book of John and mom had marked, chapter 3 verse 16. I didnt understand why but I opened up the paper and there was something wrote upon it.So I began to read. I dont understand why the grass is green and the sky is blue, I dont understand why birds can fly and a grasshopper can too, I dont understand why when a baby is born, that sometimes the parents are so forlorn, I dont understand why the news of today, is murder and violence, why has this world gone this way?, I dont understand the dieases that kill, and the doctors get rich and we pay the bill, I dont understand why Jesus would say, kill this body and Ill raise in three days, I dont understand why God loved this world, and gave up His Son , a beautiful Pearl, I dont understand as Jesus did say, Give me your sins and Ill put them away, I dont understand why men do kill, a baby, a man, a woman so still, I dont understand september 11th, why the plaines exploded and sent them all to heavan, As the night grew long and I started to pray, I looked above me, and there came an angel my way, As his wings unfurled and His halow brightened, I fell to my knees, He knew, I was frightened, I was sent here to tell you from the Father above, He gave you His best, He gave you His Love, I hafe to return now, so rise up and stand,we angels in heavan, dont understand, why you as a christian, can not Understand. ars. Dedicated to my dad, Willie Smith Sr.,who taught me to Love Jesus.

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View Sermon Does God Care About Me
Does God Care About Me


By: Scott Kircher

You viewed this on Monday, March 17
