
Summary: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall; Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; Humpty Dumpty shouted Amen; God can put me together again. Beloved, Carpe Diem, Seize the day. Updated June 2022.

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Do you remember as a child ... listen to ... or reading nursery rhymes?

Some of them were a little freighting ... at least they were to me.

Three blind mice. Three blind mice.

See how they run. See how they run.

They all ran after the farmer's wife

Who cut off their tails with a carving knife,

Did you ever see such a sight ... in your life,

As three blind mice?

The carving up of three blind animals ... mice or not ... is not a real uplifting story before bedtime.

Now ... The Three Blind Mice Nursery Rhyme ... has been around since 16th century.

And according to tradition ... the Farmers wife represents Mary the 1st .... The Roman Catholic Queen of England ... also known as Bloody Mary.

And the three Blind Mice ... who were carved ... ... represent the three Anglican martyrs ... Hugh Latimer, ... Nicholas Ridley and Thomas Cranmer, who she had burned at the stake ... for not recanting their beliefs.

But as a Child ... all I could picture were 3 mice ... who could not see ... being carved up with a big butcher's a crazy lady.

Now with that picture in your mind ... your mom says ... sweet dreams honey......... Not happening.

Then there's the famous Mother Goose Rhyme .... Humpty Dumpty.

Remember Humpty Dumpty?

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Did you have a Humpty Dumpty when you were a child.

To me ... he looked like an egg ...with a face on it ... with Legs and Arms sticking out.

Yet ... according to the story ... when he fell ... no one could put him together again.

Supposedly this Nursery Rhyme is based on an English drink called ... a "Humpty Dumpty" ... which was a 17th Century Intoxicating English drink ... made with Brandy boiled with Ale.

It would probably be difficult to sit on a wall after a few ... "Humpty Dumpties".

Well Shortly after our Children were born ... my wife Lee found a book called ... the Christian Mother Goose.

In the book ... Instead of three Blind Mice .... there were three Kind Mice... who by the way ... did not have their tales carved off.

And there was Humpty Dumpty as Well:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

Humpty Dumpty shouted Amen

God can put me together again.

O' Beloved ... we should look at life ... with joy in our hearts.

A glass that is not half empty... or half full .... but one overflowing.

A life bearing good fruit ... good fruit in all that we do ... and in all that we say.

A life that can shout Amen!

For God can put me together again.

We are a new creation in Christ Jesus.

Set apart for good works... so that we will lead lives worthy of our Lord.

Our hope is not of this world ... or in this world ... our hope is in .... Christ Jesus.

And Paul shares this hope in Christ ... to the Colossian Believers ... and to all ... that call themselves .... followers of the Christ.

Hear Paul's prayer: BIBLE ".... that you will may lead lives worthy of the Lord, ... fully pleasing to Him, .... As you bear fruit in every good work ...and as you grow in the knowledge of God; .... May you be made strong with all strength that comes from his glorious power, ..." END (Colossians 1:10)

A life bearing fruit in every good work truly ... Living life ... to the fullest. (Pause)

So many people ... have much activity in their lives .... yet little ... or no progress.

For all the busy-ness in each of our lives .... "Are you getting anywhere?"

"Are you going anywhere?"

"Is there a purpose for it all?" (Pause)

Beloved......Purpose ... Purpose ... gives meaning to our lives.

It gives one the ability to say, .... "I know .... why I'm doing ... what I'm doing!"

And ... the Question needs to be asked:

Are you living ... or are you ... just ... existing?

There is a difference; ...... there is a tremendous difference.

Living has been defined as ....... "vigorous, alive ... full of life."

Existing is described .... as quote ... "to have being."

To that of just being there... (Pause)

How many ... are sadly ... just existing ... and not truly life?

So many wake up, .... and follow a routine ... each and every day.

They go about their busyness, .... but they have no real sense of purpose ... in their lives.

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