
Summary: Humility is very scarce today in the world and in the church, but Christ exhort us that the way of greatness is the way of humility.


STUDY TEXT: Luke 14:7-11

There is scarcity of humility in the world and in the church today, there is equally over- abundance of pride. Everyone loves to be honored, recognized and respected above every other person. But Jesus is teaching us the way of humility as the way to honour, recognition, respect and celebration. Although it is difficult to sincerely humble oneself, but it is profitable because God himself recommended it, and promised to promote humble people.

- We shall discuss the topic under four (4) Sub- heading

1. Humility Described

2. Humility Demanded

3. Humility Demonstrated

4. Humility Despised


1. Humility is having or showing a sense of lowliness or inferiority Matt 3:13-15

2. Humility is having lowliness of mind and not being high minded Acts 20:18-19

3. Humility is forgetting self, and pushing others forward and upward Matt 3:11

4. Humility is having a right estimate of oneself as God can see us. 1Cor 4:6-7

5. Humility is not a self-despising spirit, but it prefers others above and before oneself.

Rom 12:3

6. Humility will involve working hard in the most obscure position without seeking the applause or recognition of men. Matt 23:5-7

7. Humility is needed to be convicted of our sins and to come to genuine repentance

2 Chron 7:14


- God is demanding in his words humility from every one that believes in him.

- We are encouraged to follow after the example of Christ, who demonstrated the greatest humility Phil 2:5-8

1. Humility is demanded during our prayer and personal fellowship with God.

2. Humility is demanded during the discharge of our duties in the church and in God’s Kingdom.

3. Humility is demanded in the use of the grace and gifts we have received from God.

4. Humility is demanded in our day-to - day interpersonal relationships.

5. Humility is demanded in the expression of our views, in occupying our positions and in carrying out our responsibilities.


- Several godly men and women demonstrated humility in the Bible.

- We have discuss about Jesus our savior and John the Baptist in this study.

- They and others biblical examples should be studied with a heart of following their good example.

1. Abraham Gen 13:8-11

- He was the elder, but he allowed lot to make the first choice.

2. David 1 Sam 16:11-13, 19-23

- He was anointed as King to replace Saul, but he choose to work as his Servant.

3. Elijah 1 King 18: 36 – 39

- He was willing to draw the people to God and not to himself.

4. Peter and John Acts 3:11-16

- They rejected the glory the people gave them over the miracle, and pointed them to the God of miracles.

5. Peter and Cornelius Acts 10:25-28

- Both Cornelius and peter demonstrated humility.


- The savior warns that those who exalt themselves in this life would be resisted by God

James 4:5-10

- While God opposes the proud, He increase grace to the humble

- We will be shut out of grace and help from the Lord.

- We will be deprived of heavenly reward and recognition.


As we have studied, let us ask God for the grace to have a humble Spirit, so that we can be qualified at all times for abundance grace, mercy, help and lifting from the Lord.

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