
Humble Love

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Jesus displayed His passion for humanity through humility, serving others, and giving up His life as a ransom for many. We are called to follow His example by thinking, acting, and obeying in humility.

Humble Love

Youth Group Plan: Humble Love (Philippians 2:5-11, John 15:9-13)

Youth Sermon: Humble Love


Hey everyone! Today, we're gonna talk about humility. Humility is that thing where we put others before ourselves and don't act like we're the center of the universe. Jesus was the ultimate example of humility, and we're gonna learn from Him today.

But first, let's start with a cool object lesson. I want you all to think of a time when you had to give up something you really wanted for someone else. Maybe it was the last slice of pizza or your favorite seat in the car. It wasn't easy, right? But when we choose to put others first, it's a powerful way to show love and humility.

Humility is that thing where we put others before ourselves and don't act like we're the center of the universe.

Main Scripture

Our main Scripture for today is Philippians 2:5-11. It talks about how Jesus, even though He was God, chose to become a human and serve others. He didn't use His power to show off or make life easy for Himself. Instead, He humbled Himself and died on the cross for us. That's some serious love and humility right there.

Three Main Points

1. Think in Humility: We need to have the same mindset as Jesus. That means focusing on what's true, noble, and right (Philippians 4:8). It's not about thinking less of ourselves, but thinking of ourselves less and focusing on others.

2. Act in Humility: Jesus didn't just think humble thoughts; He lived them out. He became a servant and put others first. We need to do the same by looking for ways to serve and love the people around us.

3. Obey in Humility: Jesus was obedient to God, even when it meant dying on the cross. We need to be obedient too, by following Jesus' example and His command to love one another (John 15:9-13).

Practical Application

Now, let's get practical. This week, I want you to think of one way you can show humility and love to someone in your life. Maybe it's helping a sibling with their chores or listening to a friend who's going through a tough time. Whatever it is, let's put our faith into action and live out the humility Jesus showed us.


"Lord, help us to be humble like Jesus. Show us how to put others first and love them the way You do. Give us the strength to be obedient and follow Your example. Amen."

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. In what ways have you seen Jesus' humility and love in your own life?

2. How can you practice thinking in humility and focusing on others?

3. What are some specific acts of humble service you can perform this week?

4. How can you grow in obedience to God's calling in your life?

5. Share a time when you experienced the power of humility in your own life or witnessed it in someone else's life.

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Humility Scavenger Hunt

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