
Summary: I don’t mean by what means will you die, like an accident, heart attack, or cancer. But by what spiritual state will your life be in when you die. In the bible, many have died in many different conditions.

I don’t mean by what means will you die, like an accident, heart attack, or cancer. But by what spiritual state will your life be in when you die. In the bible, many have died in many different conditions.

1. Rich man died unprepared. Luke 16

2. Ananias died unclean. Acts 5

3. Stephen died unafraid. Acts 7

4. Paul died unashamed. 2 Timothy 4

5. Died as a fool dieth. Luke 12:16-21

I realize the word “fool” is a very strong word and should be used with a great deal of caution. On the other hand, we should not be afraid to use bible language as it is. We are not to water it down, alter it, make excuses for it. The bible says what it means and means what it says. We are just to preach it. Isaiah 58:1; 2 Timothy 4:1-5

A person can do a lot of foolish things in this life and overcome most of them. But to die as a fool, can never be overcome. It is an act of deed or mistake that you will pay for, throughout all eternity.

The bible uses the word FOOL many ways.

1. Psalm 53:1-3; the word FOOL used of the man who wants nothing to do with God.

2. Luke 24:24-27; the word FOOL used of those who did not believe the words of Jesus.

3. Proverbs 14:9; the word FOOL is used of the person who makes a joke of sin.

2 Samuel 3:27-34; The battle had taken place in 2 Samuel 2:12-23. These men stand out:

A. Abner – the captain of Saul’s army

B. Joab – the captain of David’s army

C. Ashahel – the brother of Joab. He was killed in battle by Abner, Joab in turn vows to kill Abner.

D. Abner forgets Joab is out to kill him. But he does and God says, “Died Abner as a fool dieth?”

Why did Abner die as a fool dieth? Four Reasons:

I. Because He Forgot Who His Enemies Were

1. Everything has enemies, saved and lost.

2. How often do we as Christians, and lost alike forget our enemies?

3. Satan has made some statements about us.

a. John 10:10

b. 2 Peter 5:8

c. Ephesians 6:11-12

4. The bible tells us to beware of Him

a. 2 Corinthians 11:14; 2:11

b. Satan will do anything to draw you from Christ and this church

1) Friends

2) Work

3) Pleasure

5. This world, this present world is our enemy, not our friend.

a. 1 John 2:15; lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life.

b. Genesis 3:6; Joshua 7:20-21; I saw, I coveted, I took, died as a fool dieth.

c. Don’t underestimate the power of this world. It is a tool of the devil.

6. Last, the flesh is our enemy.

a. The flesh, the old Adam’s nature. John 3:17-20

b. After salvation, the flesh is still our enemy. Galatians 5:17

c. James 1:14-15; He forgot who his enemies were.

II. Because He Forgot His Bodyguards

1. Who is it that cares about you? Your soul?

2. Your parents; a person’s greatest guard

a. Many young people are saved because of their parents.

b. I have known some who rebelled.

3. Your Pastor, cares, preaches the truth, watches out for your soul. Hebrews 13:17, I must give an account.

4. Your Christian friends

5. Your convictions: The Holy Spirit is your bodyguard. Ephesians 4:30

III. Because He Fell Willingly

1. His hands were not bound; his feet were not tied; he could have escaped.

2. What hinders you from coming to Christ today, nothing.

a. 1 Peter; not willing any should perish.

b. You choose not to come.

IV. Because He did not Use the Means God had Provided

1. God has always had a means of deliverance for His people.

a. Adam – coats from animals – type of Christ.

b. Noah – ark – type of Christ

c. Moses – Exodus, the Passover

2. God is going to judge this world one last time; the only safety is found in Christ. Matthew 25:1-10

3. Will you die as a fool dieth – or will you trust Christ today? Are you ready?

a. Hebrews 9:27

b. Matthew 24:44

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