How We Got Our English Bible - A Simplified Version Series
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: How we got our English Bible - A Simplified Version (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: gcurley@gcurley.info)
• 2011 is the 400’th anniversary of the Kings James version of the Bible.
• We want to use this anniversary to encourage people to one again read the Bible.
• We are not promoting the KJB as such;
• But rather the reading of the Bible in a translation that is suitable for you!
‘Biblefresh’ is an initiative by the Bible Society;
• To encourage individuals and Churches to once again read, study, value the book!
• We come from a tradition that has always valued the Bible;
• And the teaching of the Bible is centre stage in all we do.
• So as a Church that values the Bible;
• We want to join in with that emphasis and reinforce it;
• And we are using this month to promote the personnel & public reading of the Bible.
• We have provided various resources e.g. ‘E100 Bible Reading Plan’.
• And over the next four Sunday Evenings ‘The Bible’ itself will be the topic.
• Tonight’s topic: Explanation – How we got our English Bible
• Followed by: Inspiration – Why the Bible is unique
• Application – Lessons from Ezra -Nehemiah chapter 8
• Illumination – Ways to read & study the Bible
Quote: Phillip Brooks:
• The Bible is like a telescope.
• If a man looks through his telescope he sees worlds beyond;
• But if he looks at his telescope,
• He does not see anything but that.
• The Bible is a thing to be looked through to see that which is beyond;
• But most people only look at it and so they see only the dead letter.
• Our prayer as Church Elders is that we might not meet with print on a page;
• But as we study and read God’s word individually & collectively;
• Once again God will speak to us;
• And build us up in ‘our most holy faith’.
The title of our talk tonight is: ‘How we got our English Bible’.
• Written over a 1,500 year span.
• Written over 40 generations.
• Written by over 40 authors from every walk of life:
• Written on three continents:
• Asia, Africa, and Europe
• Written in three languages:
• Hebrew, Greek and some Aramaic.
Now any translation from one language to another causes problems;
• e.g. Photo of sign ‘Welcum turist we spik inglish’
• Any translator always faces the same problem, the same difficulty.
• If you translate a text word for word, it does not flow,
• Often it does not read well in the translated langue.
• e.g. John chapter 1 verse 1:
• “In origin was the saying and the saying was towards God and God was the saying”.
• That is a word for word translation, but it is not easy to read or to understand.
• If you allow the translation to flow;
• It might not necessarily be an accurate translation.
• e.g. “Before there was anything the word existed, the word was and is the same as God”.
• Here you have the meaning but it is maybe not as accurate as other translations.
• So translations will always be flawed;
• If you want to find fault in ANY English translation of the Bible;
• You do not have to look too hard.
• If you show me any translation, within 1 minute I will show you an error.
• Only the original texts are error free.
• We no longer have the original text, the actual parchment Paul and others wrote on.
• Due to the perishable nature of the ancient scrolls made from papyrus,
• What we do have are over 5,000 New Testament ancient texts;
• That group together into families.
• From these we have four main codices;
• That scholars use to translate the Bible into other languages.
• No series critic of the Bible would doubt their authenticity;
• They pass every test that any other ancient book or manuscript would face;
• And they pass them in a far superior way than other non biblical sources .
Quote: In the Encyclopaedia Britannica (3rd edition) we read:
"This argument is so strong, that if we deny the authenticity of the New Testament we may
with a thousand times greater propriety reject all the other writings in the world".
• The big difference between the Bible and all other ancient books is the word ‘faith’.
• Scholars accept the manuscripts as historical and accurate documents.
• Christians would say that’s good - but there is more;
• We add ‘faith’ into the melting pot and call these texts ‘inspired’.
• Quote: 2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 16:
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness”