
Summary: When life gets hard and storms are raging, a shipwreck might be the best place to be.

How to Survive A Shipwreck August 16, 2009

Have you ever felt like your were going against the wind and your life was about to crash? When life gets hard and storms are raging, a shipwreck might be the best place to be.

Background: Paul is going to high places…and hard places…and against the wind…he has spoke to two governors, a king, and now is going to Caesar...but he has to go through a storm.

How can we survive - even thrive - the storms and shipwrecks of life?

I. “Take heart!” …Use the storm for a ministry opportunity. v. 22

Paul is serving the people holding him prisoner.

2 Cor. 2:3 God comforts us so we can comfort others.

You will never be happy until you are serving.

We need to stop blaming, pointing fingers, criticizing and start serving.

Storms are great opportunities to share your faith...

II. Hear from God …“This very night” v. 23

In hard times, someone needs to hear from God

Tell the Truth…Discern the Times (Hebrews 11:7)

We cannot hear from God until we are willing to be alone with God.

Some people would rather have bad company than no company…Ron Carpenter

Nick Vujicic: (Born without arms and legs)

Three questions of life…

Who am I?

What am I here?

Where am I going…?

III. A Clear Purpose and Vision from God…“You must go Caesar” v. 24

Purpose Trumps Problem: Pain leads to Purpose

Isaiah 55:2 Come everyone how is thirsty…Why do you spend your money and labor for things that not satisfy?

Everyone needs a "must" in their life: What is your Caesar?

IV. Stay on the Ship! Don’t Jump Ship! Cut the ropes! v. 32 Stay on the Ship until God says get off.

Prayer is not an escape clause.

Maybe we have too many options...we give God our heart, but what about our mind?

Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.

Faith is not a feeling, it is a choice.

Sometimes faith does not feel good.

Let Go! Cut the anchors, loosen the ropes…v. 40 Let the wind blow! Trust God! Stop holding on to this world…hold on to God! Launch out into the deep!

The shipwreck might save your life! If we stay in God’s will, we will survive the storm.

Some people are forfeiting an incredible purpose from God because they bail out when the storms come.

Willy Jordan: Do not make a permanent decision based on a temporary problem.

Give God your LIFE…give God your death…

V. Give Thanks! Have a great attitude. V. 35:

Our attitude will determine our success.

What is your ship? Don’t jump off!

The Lighthouse…by Ronnie Hinson “Ev’rybody that lives about us says Tear that lighthouse down…If it wasn’t for the lighthouse My ship would be no more…”

“I don’t want to go through the motions

I don’t want to go one more day

Without your all consuming passion inside of me

I don’t want to spend my whole life asking

What if I had given everything

Instead of going through the motions” - Matthew West

“In the Garden” is not always rose petals. But God is in the Garden! Jesus is in the boat! All things are possible!

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