
Summary: Describes the marks of a hypocrite with scriptures.


A Hypocrite ….

1/ Lives for the praise of others, instead of pleasing the Lord

Matt 6:2, 5, 16

2/ Puts on a show of righteousness, but their heart isn’t in it

Matt 15:7, 23:25, 27

3/ Has a Legalistic view of the Christian life & how others should live it

Matt 23:23

4/ Is selective in their obedience to God (selective obedience is disobedience)

Matt 23:23

Luke 6:46 (Call me Lord, Lord and do not the things that I say)

5/ Is more interested in criticizing and condemning than learning the truth

Luke 11:53-54

6/ Recognizes the failures of others, but not their own

Luke 6:41-42

7/ Tears others down to make themselves look good

Prov 11:9

8/ Have seared their conscience and sin and chastening no longer affect them

1 Tim 4:2 … Job 36:13

9/ Profess to be saved, but in their heart they know better

Matt 7:21-23

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