
Summary: Insecurity leads to inactive action, which leads to inexperience, which leads to inability

How to Profit From Mistakes and Failures

Ps. 145:14; Prov. 24:16

(Part 2)

Things We Must Do To Profit:

I. Reject The Cycle of Fear.

Insecurity leads to inactive action, which leads to inexperience, which leads to inability.

II. Fear Stops our Forward Progress.

A. Fear of failure leads to:

1) Paralysis us. (Stop you short)

2) Causes us to Procrastinate. (2 Sam. 14:14)

a. Don=t waste the precious resource of time.

3) Leads us to Purposelessness.

a. God has a plan and purpose for each of us.

b. When we try to avoid the pain of making mistakes we get

stuck in the cycle of fear.

2 Tim. 1:7

1 John 4:18

Rom. 8:28

Rom. 8:15

III. To Conquer Fear We Must Step Out And Take Action. (Phil. 4:11- 14)

A. Contentment comes with a positive attitude.

1) Expect the best in everything. (Not the worse)

2) Seek solutions in every problem, not problems in every

solution. Problems are made to be solved.

3) We need to hold on to our hope, when all say it=s hopeless.

IV. Closing:

A. Stop Focusing On Self, ALook For someone in need@. (Luke 9:23)

B. Stop Taking Yourself So Seriously.

1) Learn to laugh at yourself. Remember we are human.

C. Start Adding Value To Others.

1) We should other first in our thinking.

2) Find what others need and we will see how small our needs


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