
Summary: The Story is found in II Samuel 17-18. David says that he is “overwhelmed” Psalm 61:2 Overwhelmed means to “throw a dark sheet over to create darkness.” All of us come into that point of our life sometimes when we feel like our life has been covered ove

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Introduction--This is a low time in David’s life. Absalom has just been killed by Joab and the nation is divided.

The Story is found in II Samuel 17-18.

1. David says that he is “overwhelmed”--Vs. 2

a. Defined - it means to “throw a dark sheet over to create darkness.”

b. All of us come into that point of our life sometimes when we feel like our life has been covered over with


2. There are Three Things to do when you’re “Overwhelmed”

a. Vs. 3--Rely of the Facts

(1) He Remembers the “Shelter”--Vs. 3--A Shelter is a place of refuge--A place to run to.

(2) He Remembers the “Tower”--Vs. 3--A Tower is a fortress built like a pyramid--Four sided--God has

protected him from every direction.

b. Vs. 4--Remember The Faithfulness of God--

(1) He’s kept close to God to conceal or hide him.

(2) He’s kept So close--It’s like the little chick that can feel the heat of the hen’s body.

c. Vs. 2--Realize The Figure-- “Lead me to the rock that is higher than I”

I. THE PLACE AVAILABLE “the rock that is higher than I”

A. Physically--It is the High Places that Deliver

1. Frost line--Above this line--there is no frost in the mountains

2. Tree line--Above this line--no trees grow

3. Snake line--Above this line--no snakes crawl

4. Security is purely a matter of Altitude and Attitude

B. Spiritually- “higher than I” - There is a higher life for the Child of God

1. That does not mean that there will not be trouble but there is a Higher plain

2. There is a place where you can get to that you can have peace though everything’s going wrong.

C. “THE ROCK” in the word of God is constantly ascribed to Deity.

1. God is the Rock

2. When you are overwhelmed you need to be lead to the Rock. You need to get with God and let him have your


3. Our trouble is that we are always trying to fix it ourselves when we ought to go to the rock.

D. There is a Higher Position for the Child of God

1. Isa. 40:31 “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall mount up with wings of eagles”

2. Illustrate--The eagle has an extra eyelid that he can see through but the eyelid can shade out the sun light.

Sometimes, birds will attack the eagle by droves. The eagle will pull down that eyelid and fly directly at the sun.

3. When the World, the Flesh and the Devil start attacking us we need to do what noone else can. GO TO OUR


4. There is a place for the child of God to live without Worry and that is by going to the Rock


A. It’s a Personal Desire--There’s a path to the rock but it’s a Single Lane!

1. Salvation, separation, soul-winning, Prayer life are all personal.

2. Many say, “Lead my pastor, Lead my church, Lead my companion to the rock. We Need to say, “Lead me to

the rock that is higher than I.”

3. If you are saved you have in you the Capability of living the High Life

B. Illustration--There was a farmer that found an Eagle egg where the mother had died or left the egg. So he

placed it under one of his hens and it hatched in the hen house. At first, the eagle scratched like a chicken and

ate like a chicken. But The bigger he got, he became aware that he was not a chicken. He would stare out of

the cage and look into the sky. Sometimes, he would flop his wings but the cage held him down. One day,

another eagle flew over and screamed. Something inside that little eagle began to swell. The farmer saw the

look in his eye and opened the cage door and off he flew. He wasn’t made to scratch in the dirt but God had

made him to fly in the heavens!!!


D. Notice David said “LEAD ME” not “DIRECT ME”

1. It shows Davids discouragement.

a. Perhaps his confidence was so low that He didn’t think he would even be able to find it!!!

b. Perhaps his strength was depleted to the point that he wasn’t able to climb.

2. It shows how David was a true sheep. He knew if he was going to get anywhere higher it would take the

Hand of God to take him there.

III. THE POSITION ACHIEVED-- “lead me to the rock”

A. David was saying, If there is a higher life, lead me to it. If it can be better, I want it.

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