How To Love The King
Contributed by Bo Dunford on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: How should we love King Jesus?
* This is one of those passages in the Old Testament that doesn’t receive much attention.
* In these verses, we witness the reunion of David and a man who loved the king more than
his own life! * In these few verses, there is a valuable lesson for the children of God.
* You see, by the testimony of this man named Mephibosheth, we are given a clear cut example
of how we, God’s redeemed children, are to love the Lord Jesus Christ!
A) Now, it’s a fact that we speak of our love for the Lord often. * However, I fear that we do not
demonstrate that love for Jesus as we should! * That is the focus of this message!
B) If we learn nothing else, let us grasp the truth that we serve a risen Lord who is worthy of all
the love & devotion that we can give to His glorious name!
* Please join me as we look together at the trials & triumphs of this man named Mephibosheth,
* And what he teaches us about, "How To Love The King."
(1) LOVE HIM WITH ABSOLUTE DEVOTION! * Mephibosheth demonstrates his devotion
to king David in various ways! * Let’s see if we can come to understand the root of this all-
consuming devotion that Mephibosheth showed for David!
A) The Cause Of His Devotion: * The reason Mephibosheth was so devoted to David can be
seen in what David had done for him. (2 Sam.9:1-13) (Vs.28 of our text)
* As the son of Jonathan, Mephibosheth was in line to ascend to the throne of Saul.
* In reality, he was a rival to David for the office of king!
B) Yet, David, instead of acting with justice and executing Mephibosheth, as he had other members
of Saul’s family, extended grace to this little crippled man!
* David had every right to kill Mephibosheth, but because of his great love for Jonathan,
* he spared Mephibosheth’s life (2 Sam.9:3; 1 Sam.20:15)
C) When the child of God stops and ponders just what God has done for him through Jesus,
* It is plain to see that we have more reason to love Him with every fiber of our beings!
* In 1 Jn.4:19, John reminds us that our love for Jesus is rooted in the fact that Jesus first loved us!
D) Think of what you were & how you have sinned against the Lord God!
* If you & I got what we deserved today, we would all be in hell right now!
E) We owe Jesus a great debt of love and devotion! * When we stop to think that Jesus,
* willingly suffered all that He did just so we might be saved by grace, it stirs the heart!
* If it doesn’t move your soul to love & worship the Lord, then there’s a problem with your heart!
F) The Course Of His Devotion: * Because Mephibosheth loved the king, it showed in his life!
* Mephibosheth lived a life of total devotion & absolute faithfulness toward the king!
* When you really love the King, it will show in your life! * In other words;
* You wont have to run around saying, "I love the Lord!" * It wont need to be said, because
it will be clearly seen in everything you do!
G) It will be seen in your prayer life, your attention to the scripture, your witnessing life,
* your manner of life, your attendance upon the worship of the Lord!
* All I’m saying is that when we are in love with Jesus, whole heartedly, it can’t be hidden!
* It will tell on you! * What does your life say about your love for the Lord?
* Love Him with absolute devotion! * Devotion - deep, steady affection; loyalty; faithfulness.
(2) LOVE HIM WITH ABSOLUTE DEDICATION! * There are 3 ways in which Mephibosheth
demonstrated his dedication to king David & these traits ought to be seen in God’s children!
A) Mephibosheth Forsook The World: * As the grandson of Saul, & with the political turmoil
evident in the nation of Israel, Mephibosheth had every right to lay claim to the throne!
* Yet, because he loved the king, he refused to get caught up in the affairs of the world!
* He placed his devotion to the king ahead of any selfish ambitions that he may have possessed!
B) What a lesson for the church! * There is always a danger that our connection with the world,
* will override our dedication to Jesus! * Be careful that the love of the world,
* don’t steal our love for Jesus! * We have to live in this world, there’s no escaping that truth!