How To Kill A Giant
Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Jan 28, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: Thesis: God can take care of life's seemingly insurmountable problems.
Thesis: God can take care of life's seemingly insurmountable problems.
1. The story of David & Goliath is perhaps one of the best-known stories in all the Bible.
a. Everybody knows it!
1) Pagans: sort of folk tale reminding that underdogs occasionally win.
2) Christians: one of those stories deeply ingrained in Bible School.
b. Illust. Everyone is familiar with it. Everyone knows how it turns out! Recently saw the 4-hour long movie Gettysburg. I knew how it was going to turn out! Went hoping maybe Pickett's Charge would work this time, but it ended the way I've heard it a thousand times!
2. Even though the story is familiar, it's worth a second look.
a. Not about underdogs, strength, or maneuverability in battle.
b. It is about how we serve a God who can take care of situations that appear to be hopeless.
c. This AM we're going to do two things:
1) Look at the story (1 Sam. 17).
2) See what it tells us about how to kill a giant.
I. THE STORY OF DAVID AND GOLIATH. < Standoff, verses 1-3 >
A. The Champion: Goliath (4-11).
1. Tall (4).
2. Strong (5-7).
3. Cocky (8-11).
a. Goliath made his challenge twice a day for 40 days (v. 16).
b. Illust. Imagine you're a reporter and your boss wants you to file a story every day. No problem for the first few days, then you're fishing for a story! Get monotonous real quick! Not much to do except measure Goliath's decibel levels.
c. Goliath's challenge does have a demoralizing effect on Israelite army--shaking in their boots (v. 11).
B. The Challenger: David (12-39).
1. Introduce David.
a. Youngest son of Jesse; tends sheep.
b. Three oldest brothers are in Saul's army.
c. Brings supplies back & forth from home.
2. When David comes into camp one day, things start happening:
a. He hears Goliath's challenge (22-24).
b. He is appalled at Israel's lack of faith (26).
c. He learns about Saul's incentive plan (27).
d. He is rebuked by his brother (28).
e. He offers to fight Goliath (32).
3. David is summoned before Saul.
a. Saul: "Only a boy!" David: "Lion/bear" (vv. 36-37).
b. Saul: "You need some armor!" David: Tries it on, says "No thanks!" and walks to stream & gets 5 smooth stones.
C. The Championship (40-54).
1. Goliath's taunt (41-44).
a. Illust. Soldiers have been doing this sort of thing for centuries. Remember Gulf War? While Iraq was waiting for Coalition Forces to attack, all sorts of rhetoric came out of Baghdad--"Sand will run red with your blood" & "Mother of all battles." Meant to intimidate.
b. Illust. Happens alot in sports--in football at the coin toss; in boxing at the weigh-in. Remember Muhammed Ali's "I'm going to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee!"
2. David's response (45-47).
3. The whole battle probably lasted less than a minute . . .
A. We all have "giants" to face in life--seemingly insurmountable problems.
1. Maybe it's an addiction (alcohol, illicit drugs, sex).
2. Maybe it's a situation (job loss, mate unfaithful, sickness, children).
3. God is able to take care of stuff like that!
1. Recognize you face a giant.
a. Problems such as addictions, job loss, or unfaithful mates should not be minimized!
b. First plank of AA: "We admit we are powerless over alcohol and that our lives had become unmanageable."
2. Measure your giant against God, not yourself.
a. Battle not just between David & Goliath, but Goliath & God!
b. Eph. 6:10-12.
3. Confront your giant, do not run away from it.
a. Did you notice v. 48?
b. Illust. Several years ago a televised circus act with Bengal tigers was broadcast live. Tiger trainer was locked in cage with tigers. Using chair & whip the trainer was in control. Then the lights went out ... for about 20-30 seconds. Tigers could see trainer, but the trainer could not see them! In an interview afterwards the trainer admitted to feeling the chilling fear of the situation. However, he knew the tigers didn't know that he couldn't see them. "I just kept cracking my whip and talking to them until the lights came on. They never knew I could not see them as well as they could see me."
c. A lot can be said for having a "positive mental attitude," but it was not PMA that slew Goliath that day! Faith over fear!
4. Give God the glory.
a. David was doing this even before slaying Goliath (45-47).
b. 2 Samuel 22:2b-4.
1. God can take care of life's seemingly insurmountable problems.
2. Invitation.