How To Have A Winning Attitude
Contributed by Jim Mooney on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The attitude a person as toward life will determine the outcome of their life.
How To Have A Winning Attitude
Philippians 3:8-14
I think we need to understand that the same victorious life that was enjoyed by the Apostle Paul is available to every believer. It really is possible for common folk like you and me to become mighty in spirit and experience the same triumphant lifestyle the Apostle Paul experienced.
In this passage of scripture we will discover some of the secrets of Paul’s spiritual power. I think the secret of Paul’s victorious life was a winning attitude. He was a high achiever. The word retreat was not in his vocabulary.
He had developed the heart of a champion. In the verses we have just read, the Apostle Paul reveals his driving determination to win.
I think we need to understand that the same victorious life that was enjoyed by the Apostle Paul is available to every believer. It really is possible for people like you and me to become mighty in spirit and experience the same triumphant lifestyle the Apostle Paul experienced.
Many in our churches today have become satisfied in their walk with God. They are no longer moving forward with God. They Just SIT, SOAK, and SOUR. Not Paul, he had a winning attitude, he knew that their was more to be gained by drawing closer to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul was expressing his dissatisfaction. Satisfied with salvation yes, satisfied with the progress in my walk and growth, no.
He said I made some progress, but I’m not there yet. Paul was aware of his need to go deeper in his walk with the lord.
1. Paul never permitted himself to become content or satisfied with his spiritual attainments.
2. The apostle was satisfied with Jesus. _v".. . I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord...." But he was dissatisfied with his own spiritual progress.
3. The first essential to progress in the Christian life is a sanctified dissatisfaction.
A salesman came out of his sales manager’s office with a discouraged look on his face. The secretary said, "What is wrong, Harry? Have you been fired?"
He said, "No, it’s not that bad. But I sure got chewed out about my sales record. I can’t figure it out. For the last month my sales have been high. I thought he’d compliment me--instead he ran me out!"
Later the secretary questioned her boss about the situation. He laughed and said, "Harry is one of our best salesmen, and I’d hate to lose him. But he has a tendency to rest on his laurels. He becomes content with what he has done and satisfied with his past performance. If I didn’t get mad at him once a month or so he’d never produce."
4. As Christians, we often have the same tendency. We tend to become too easily satisfied and content with past accomplishments.
5. Many Christians become self-satisfied because they are comparing themselves to other Christians.
6. We must learn that our standard as a Christian is not other Christians; our standard is the Lord Jesus Christ.
7. We must never be satisfied until we are "conformed to his glorious image."
This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark...."
1. Paul was devoted to one thing--serving Christ and growing in Christ.
Jesus said to the self-righteous, rich, young ruler-- Mark 10:21 ". . . one thing thou lackest....
Jesus said to busy Martha-- Luke 10:42 "One thing is needful. .
David said in the Psalms-- Psalm 27:4 "One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after...."
2. Most Christians are rendered ineffective because they are involved in too many things.
NOTE: Satan’s deadliest trick for keeping you from doing what God wants you to do is to distract you by getting you to do many "good things." We must not allow ourselves to be distracted in our service to God !!!
Let’s be like Nehemiah 6:3 ". . . I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down....
III. You must have a new direction
Paul had a past life just like us. But he said I forget those things that are behind me. What was Paul really saying? He was saying I refuse to be influenced and controlled by my past.
You can’t move forward if you are always looking backwards.
1. Let me tell youth devil would like to get you to live in the past.
a. He would like to remind you of all your past failures, sin and mistakes.