How To Get The Job Done Right
Contributed by Patrick O'loughlin on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus sent out the twelve to do the job of the church.
Jesus sent out the twelve to do the work of the church. From our scripture passage we can discover how to get the job done right.
1. In order to get the job done right we must begin
"Then Jesus went around teaching from village to
village. calling the twelve to him he sent them out
two by two."
a. Jesus said that the kingdom of God is like a
mustard seed(Matthew 13:31)
b. Jesus began small. Notice he went village to
village.He had a small number(12). he sent them out
in small groups.(2)
c. Beginning small does not mean we give God a little
of everything we have but rather it is giving God
everything even if it is little.(see John 6:6-7)
d. How do you get to be big? By beginning small.
2. In order to get the job done right we must do it
as a team.(v7)
"He sent them out two by two."
a. No one person can do it alone.
b. No one person should be left out.(see 1 Cor 12:7)
c. Having a team does not guarantee success unless
there is intimacy with Jesus(v6) and clear
d. Teamwork makes the dream work - John Maxwell
3. In order to get the job done right we must have
power and authority over evil spirits.(v7)
" and gave them authority over evil spirits"
a. Luke’s gospel "power and authority"(Luke 9:1)
b. The church got its authority in Matthew 28:18 and
its power in Acts 1:8
c. Our power and authority is found in our relationship
with Jesus(see Acts 19:13-16)
d. God would never send us to do a job without the
ability to get the job done right.
4. In order to get the job done right we must travel
" These were his instructions: " Take nothing for
the journey except a staff- no bread, no bag, no
money in your belts. Wear sandals but not an
extra tunic. Whenever you enter a house, stay
there until you leave that house."
a. God is not against us having things. He knows
that things are necessary to see the job done
right. (staff, sandals and a house)
b. God is against us having things that distract or
deter us from doing the job right.
c. Where our treasure is ;there is our heart also.
5. In order to get the job done right we must stay
in one place.(v10)
"Whenever you enter a house,stay there until you
leave that town."
a. Jesus was trying to prevent house hopping or to
be more contemporary church hopping.
b. Staying in one place is a commitment.
c. staying in one place allows our character to be
d. When is it right to leave a church?
1. If it is no longer a place of peace(Matthew
Conflict and gossip will destroy any church
2. If you are not made welcome.(v11)
3. If no one will listen to you(v11)
6. In order to get the job done right we must preach
" They went out and preached that people should
a. We can never get the job done right if we avoid
the issue of repentance.
b. repentance is a sign that God is at work
c. God wants to make us holy not happy. Although
happiness is a by-product of holiness.
7. In order to get the job done right we must go
" They went out and preached.. they drove out
many demons and anointed many sick people
with oil and healed them.
a. Instruction without application is useless. We
must go out and put it into practice.(Matt
28:18, Acts 1:8)
b. People are not going to church. The church needs
to go to the people.