
Summary: What Are the Requirements for Experiencing Fullness of the Spirit's Power? - 1.

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What Are the Requirements for Experiencing Fullness of the Spirit's Power? -

1. A person must totally surrender the control of their mind, will and emotions to the Holy Spirit as directed by Bible. (Gal. 5: 16)

2. At conversion a believer becomes complete in Christ but usually does not learn what it means to be completely filled with the Spirit's power - maturity is necessary. (Eph. 4: 15,16)

3. All believers have the Holy Spirit, but few experience the fullness of His power. (Acts 1 :8)

4. We are commanded to be filled with the Spirit as the wind completely fills the sails of a boat and empowers and directs it. (Rom. 8:6-8)

5. We are warned not be drunk with wine or things that temporarily satisfy our appetites, but to filled with the Spirit. (Eph. 5: 18)

6. We are directed to let the Spirit's overflow all other aspects of our lives. (John 7:37,38)

7. Each day and every moment requires a new filling of the Spirit's control as Peter was filled with the Spirit repeatedly. (Acts 2:4,4:6, 4:31)

8. No Christian can reach their potential without the filling of the Spirit. (2 Cor. 3: 18)

9. The Spirit's filling is necessary to gain in wisdom, knowledge and insight. (Rom.12: 1,2)

10. We must confess our sins and let Him cleanse us from all unrighteousness to be filled with the Spirit. (I Jn. 1 :9)

11. The Spirit cannot illuminate our minds, warms our hearts, clean our consciences or motivate us until we yield all controls to Him. (Luke 9:23,24)

12. We need to fellowship with other believers to stay refined. (Heb. 10:24,25)

What Are the Specif1c Conditions For Being Filled by the Spirit? -

1. Forgiveness (Acts 2:38) "Repent and be baptized. . . for the remission of sins and you will receive the Holy Ghost."

2. Sonship - Gal 4:6 - "Because you are sons, God has sent us the Spirit of His Son into your hearts."

3. Desire. John 7:37-39, "If anyone thirsts let him drink. Isa. 44:3 Faith. "The Spirit is given to all those who believe." Gal. 3: 13,14

4. Obedience. Acts 5 :32. "He gives the Holy Ghost to those who obey Him. "

5. Waiting. Luke 24:49, Acts 1 :4, "Wait for the promise of the Father." Do not be in a hurry.

6. Prayer. Luke 11: 13, "The Holy Spirit is given to those who ask the Father for Him."

7. Apply what you know. John 1: 12, "Ask and you will receive the Spirit."

8. Act as if you have received the fullness of His power. Luke 11 :9,10.

Results of Being Filled With All of the Spirit's Power -

1. Power to witness to those who need salvation. (Acts 1 :8)

2. Power to live a victorious Christian life (Acts 20:22-24)

3. Great glory and honor will be given to the Lord. (John 16: 14)

4. You will be able to live a life that is more pleasing to the Lord. (Phil. 1:9-11)

5. You will be able to live a more holy life. (I Pet. 1:15,16)

6. You will be able to gain greater discernment into all things. (Heb. 5:14)

7. You will be more fruitful. (John 15:16)

8. You will have more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. (Gal. 5:22,23)

9. You will be able to overcome your feelings of anger, lust, jealousy, envy, carnality, selfishness, complacency, apathy, idolatry, strife, divisions, tribalism, nepotism, suspicions, indecency or inappropriate behavior or speech. (Gal. 5: 19-21)

10. You will be able to know the Lord in a greater way and fully experience His power, perspective and love. (Matt. 5:6-8)

11. You will have a greater love for others. (John 13:34,35)

Why Are Many Not Experiencing the Fullness of the Spirit's Power? -

1. Many are not willing to deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Jesus in all aspects of life. (Luke 9:23-30)

2. Many are more interested in their own problems than in having the attitude which was in Christ Jesus. (Phil 2:3-5)

3. Many have not understood the resources that are available to them in the Spirit. (Phil. 2: 1)

4. Many are afraid to give up their own comforts and offer themselves as a living sacrifice to the Lord. (Rom. 12)

5. Many are afraid to witness. (Rom. 1: 16)

6. Many are afraid to trust and obey the Lord in all things. (John 14:21)

7. Many have not disciplined themselves for the purpose of Godliness. (I Tim. 4:7,8)

8. Many fall prey to the worries, riches and pleasures ofthis life. (Gal. 5:19-21)

9. Many are more earthly minded than they are guided by eternal values. (Col. 3: 1-4)

10. Many are only willing to give a small percentage of their devotion to the Lord's purposes. (Col. 3: 16-18)

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