
Summary: Temptation comes in all of life

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HOW TO DEFEAT YOUR GIANT OF TEMPTATION Luke 4:1-13 Matt. 16:21-23, Matt. 26:45, 46

The person who expects to live a life without problems is going to be as upset as the guy who thought that he was going to have a lawn without weeds. Both problems and temptations are expected! A cartoon showed a little boy in a car watching his dad outside in the pouring rain fixing a flat tire. The boy peers out and asks, "Daddy, why this is happening to us? The father looks at the boy and says, "Son, don’t you understand? This is life!"

1 SAM 17:47 “One day a soldier, charged with fleeing from the enemy was brought before Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great asked him, "What’s your name?" Dropping his head, he replied, "Alexander." Alexander the Great grabbed him by the shoulders and said, "Soldier, change your conduct or change your name!" You have been called to live a life worthy of the One whose name you carry. We will attach to each point how David overcame temptation.

Most of us might say Life is hard. Troubles and trials abound. We can’t switch to another channel like we do on TV. I COR 10:13. Now Paul says Temptations are regular to all mankind, but that’s not the final word. Paul adds a wonderful promise that we shall be able to conquer any temptation we may meet. The key is that we are able. He says we have the internal spiritual ability of either escaping or enduring the trials of life. Two examples that Jesus faced. Matt. 26:4. LK 4:1-2. Don’t let anyone tell you that they are above temptation or beyond doubt. It’s amazing that Christ was full of the Holy Spirit when he experienced his greatest temptation. Indeed, temptations may not come in our moments of weakness. They may come in the midst of our success, joy and achievement because that’s when we’re likely to have let our guard down. I COR 10:12. Temptations are ever present. Yet, certain phases and stages of life present their own special points of weakness. We’re tempted differently in our youth, than we are in our middle years and old age. We will see three different occasions when Christ was faced with tough decisions and particular temptations. We find that he was tempted in the beginning, in the middle and the end of His ministry.

I. Temptation came when He first started IN THE WILDERNESS. Luke 4:1-13

At the very beginning of his ministry Christ encountered a severe period of temptation. When we are young in our faith it is always a favorable time for temptation. We are immature; we are finding our identities; and we’re planning our life. It’s a confused and trying period. I had a time where I was not sure if I was saved and needed some older saints to help me understand what my salvation was from and that it was not based on feelings. We see that Christ faced temptations concerning His physical needs. All people have basic physical needs and it’s always tempting to try to meet these needs with easy shortcuts. It’s encouraging that Christ avoided such shortcuts, not by denying the physical need, but by going beyond them. `It is written, "Man shall not live on bread alone". Christ faced temptation concerning possessions and power. `I will give you all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. Therefore if you worship before me, it shall all be yours’. Now, it’s always desirable to get good things quickly, but again Christ avoided compromises. "You shall worship the Lord your God and serve him only." Then, Christ faced temptations concerning spiritual pride and opinion. “If you are the son of God, cast yourself down from here; "He will give His angels charge concerning you to guard you," It’s important to note that Christ avoided the supernatural intervention route; he had no unlikely hope of divine protection, even though there was Biblical authority for such belief. "Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God".

When we are young in our faith there are many temptations such as: physical pleasure; choice of careers and lifestyles. Jesus faced these temptations. How to defeat your giant of temptation. From the life of David. Regardless of whether the giant you face is addiction, resentment, fear, lust, pride, envy or anger, you must realize: 1. You’re not unique. Your temptations "are no different from what others experience". Goliath wasn’t always a giant; he was fed and nurtured until he became one. Our giants are usually little things we ignore and indulge until they assume a life of their own and come back to bother us.

II. Temptation came when He was ON THE MOUNTAIN.

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