
Summary: Life is always changing - the world around us and within us. In an unstable world God does not change and gives us the stability we long for.

Introductory Considerations

1. We live in a rapidly changing world (give examples comparing today to just 30-40 years ago, internet, etc.)

2. Changes do not just occur around us but also within us. "That’s not the same man or woman I married". Not just our exceeding waistlines or receding hairlines. we grow cynical, lose sense of purpose, loved ones. Love grows cold and hurts make us feel alienated and callous.

3. Too much change around us and within us can make us feel anxious, lost, confused, and unstable.

4. In the midst of the changes we long to find something that stays constant. Where can we go to find this?

5. God comes to us and reveals Himself as the one who does not change.


1. As we see how God reveals Himself to Moses, He shows that does not change.

2. Background on the situation of the Israelites and Moses’ life. He was tending sheep for his father-in-law, when he saw a bush on fire but there is something strange about the bush and the fire. As He came near God called out to Him from with the bush.

3. God shows He does not change.

a. Neither the fire or the bush dies out - the bush does not burn up. God is different from all of creation. He is not dependent upon the wood or the bush to burn. He is self-sufficient. He remains constant just as the burning bush. (v. 2)

b. God tells Moses that His the God of His father, of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob. In verse 7 He refers to the I in Egypt as "my people" - He is still their God. (v. 5-7)

c. After telling M that he is sending him to rescue the I, He says "I will be with you" (v.12). "I will never leave you or forsake you" (Deut 31:6), "I am with you always, even to the very end of the age" (Mat 28:20). God will not change who He is and His relationship with us.

d. God tells M that he is "I am who I am". (v. 15)

i. A persons name was given to describe the person -eg. Jacob means "the deceiver" and Abraham - "father of many nations". God is beyond our ability to describe Him. His identity would be determined or described by our naming Him. As we change, our description or understanding of God changes. ( consider how you view or understand God now to when you were a child).

ii. To know ones name also suggested some element of control over person. Some say that knowledge is power.

iii. There is no tense to "I am who I am". It could be translated "I will be who I will be". He does not change.

4. Because God does not change and He is stable, He gives us the stability and hope we need in changing circumstances.

a. Twice Moses questions God about the call to rescue the people.

i. "Who am I?" (v. 11) Concerned about His ability and how the people will react to Him. God tell Moses that He should not focus on self but on God for "I will be with you". Jesus says to us "My power is made perfect in your weakness". (2Cor 9:12). How apply to us?

ii. "Who shall I sent me?" (v.13). God made, called us and sends us into service. Life not one haphazard circumstance after another.

5. Since God does not change, everything about Him does not change.

a. God’s life or existence. (Pss 90:2)

b. His character. (Exod 34:6-7)

c. His truth. (Isa 40:8) This includes His promises and His law.

d. His ways. (Exod 34:7) He still loves us and blesses us in ways that we are humbled so He alone is glorified. He still hates the sin of His people and still seeks the fellowship of His people.

e. His purpose. (Exod 3:8). He will fulfil promise given to Abraham centuries before. God’s plan of salvation remains same throughout His word. Promise of Christ is given in Gen 3:15. Dispensationalism says that God’s purpose or the way He acts to accomplish it changes over history. We do not believe this for He remains the same.

f. His Son, our Lord and Saviour. (Heb 13:8)

6. Is God your stability and hope? Where are you in your relationship with Him? How stable is your life - overwhelmed with circumstances or responsibilities? Depend on Him. Know Him.

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Ben Mcclary

commented on May 21, 2022

I'm using your outline for my message, tomorrow. Thanks for sharing it! :)

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