
Summary: The Bible commands us to tell of GOd's works for His glory and to encourage one another in the faith. Sharing a biblical testimony is one of the most powerful ways to do that. Too many people do not understand how to do this basic skill. Here is simple me

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How to Construct a Testimony

It is an important and basic skill for any Christian to be able to give a clear testimony of God at work in a personal and intimate way. The Bible tells us that we are to “let the word of God dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. “ Colossians 3:16. This admonition is repeated often in the New Testament, and pastors such as Timothy were instructed to teach this skill to faithful men of their congregations. (See 2 Timothy 2:1-2).

There is a simple and easy process to learn how to do this basic, yet important skill. The Bible assumes that the body of Christ will benefit greatly from the believers encouraging one another in this fashion. When Christians are unable to share with one another from the word, then the body is weaker due to this absence.

Here is a teachable and reproducible method for developing a testimony to share. It can be used to share a salvation testimony, or simply an even of spiritual growth or commitment.


Write out a thirty to forty word statement that is the essence of what you want to say. Your purpose in sharing is to encourage someone in their walk with Jesus. That is a specific purpose. It should be convincing and powerful to them. It should call them to obedience and strengthen their faith and resolve to walk with Jesus.

Therefore, you want it to be focused. Power comes from focus. Too many testimonies sound like a report from a daily journal. How many mission trip reports have you heard that sound like a daily diary. Here is a picture of Juan. Here is a picture of Juan’s house. Here is a picture of Juan’s wife and kids. Next we went to Carlos’ house. Here is a picture of Carlos. This goes on without ever presenting a challenge of exhortation towards the choice to get involved, or to step out in faith, become a prayer warrior, etc.

Prayerfully focus on the lesson that God taught you. Ask Him what He wants you to share. Trust in His leading and then focus on the event that is the sole crux of the testimony. God will use your preparation and bless it. Proverbs 16:1 is a verse I use often in preparation. “The preparation of the heart belongs to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.” You prepare your heart to share what God has taught you. He will guide you.

Write out your sentence. Edit it and revise it until it states clearly the one point that you have to make. Here are some examples: “You should pray about going on a mission trip because God will teach you how to pray for the souls of men.” “Everyone needs to go to a Latin country because you will truly learn how to worship with passion in church.” “You are never too old to go on a mission trip.”


Next you should develop this basic outline:

Before my faith decision

How I made my faith decision

How Jesus used this decision to change me

Your testimony should focus like a laser beam on one event. Again, power comes from focus. Challenge comes from focus. Select the one story that proves the statement you want to make. Tell that story using the details that add to your point. You want to move people with your testimony. They want to know what salient thing you have to share. God receives glory from a testimony that shows His hand. All of these principles mandate that you focus.

A. Before my faith decision

Consider the following ideas in preparing this part of the testimony. Use just a few facts to paint a picture which gives the context of your faith decision. This is not a “confessional” so you do not need to overdo this part. Just give a few details which set the context.

B. How I made my decision

This is the key to your testimony. Every step of obedience is a choice of faith to follow some instruction or call of God. This testimony, for God to use it, is to be about His work in your life. Explain how God spoke to you – in church, through your quiet time, through a friend or mentor. Then explain exactly how you answered the call. Give more details here. This is where you will connect with your listeners. They relate to the fear, change n priorities, sense of inadequacy, etc. It is when you tell them you felt this way but stepped out in faith because you wanted to see God work that God will encourage their faith to obey His call for them.

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