
Summary: This seeks to teach that Christians who wish to develop spiritually will be corrected and taught by the Bible, so they ae equipped to do the things that please God

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The Bible Can Make Christians Wise and Well Equipped

2 Timothy 3

14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them;

15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.


The Bible is vital in the conversion of a person. And the Bible is vital in the maturing of the convert. The Holy Spirit uses the written word of God to convict the individual of sin. The Holy Spirit uses the written word of God to instruct the believer in righteous living.

The Importance of Continuing in the Word.


The increase and expansion of evil people and evil actions makes the acceptance of evil difficult to resist. Desensitization occurs. That which was so important becomes insignificant. Deception takes place. People are fooled. It is vital to resist this. God’s written word is helpful in that resistance.

This continuing in the word has understood to be important to the people of God. Before the word was written and so readily available, the people of God were to talk about it daily with one another. Parents were to teach to their children the things that God had done. God had clearly declared the importance of the word to HIS people. One entire chapter in Pslams is devoted to emphasizing the importance of continuing in God’s word.


Clarence Darrow, the famous criminal lawyer of the well-known Tennessee Scopes monkey trial, died at age 78.

Near the end of his days, Darrow confessed he had spent his life seeking for proof of God. He wanted some proof he could nail down and say, “This is a fact.” But he lamented he never found it.

Once, when asked about his soul, Darrow snorted, “My soul? There is no such thing.”

Contrast Darrow’s skepticism with the faith of Michael Faraday, one of England’s greatest chemists and physicists.

As Faraday lay dying, someone asked, “And now, Mr. Faraday, what are your speculations?”

“Speculations!” Faraday replied. “I have no speculation; I am resting on certainty.”

(Proclaim: the Pastor’s Journal for Biblical Preaching. The Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Nashville, TN. A-M-J, 1988. P. 34)


You would undoubtedly agree that it is important to continue in the word of God. A response of more than verbal agreement is called for from these verses. Speculation and uncertainty of our eternal destiny and of the things God would have us to do here and now will disappear as we continue in the word.

Apart from continuing in the word, there is greater susceptibility to the evil lifestyle. The Bible immunizes the believer against the infection of sin. You are going to more clearly realize that which will not please the Lord as you read and study the sacred word of God on a consistent and disciplined basis.

The Scriptures Make Wise unto Salvation through Faith in Christ.


Timothy’s mother and grandmother had taught Timothy the truths of God from the word of God. Timothy had come to a saving faith in Christ Jesus as a child. It was the life that his mother and grandmother lived in obedience to the word of God that had prepared the heart of Timothy when he was a child. It was the world of God that had learned as a child that God used to bring Timothy to saving faith.


The American Bible Society reports that many years ago a lady in Spain wanted to do something special for the Lord and decided to give away Bibles. While seeking possible recipients, she came upon a man building a wall. When she discovered he had never owned a Bible, she offered him one, writing his name in it.

The man was too embarrassed to refuse it. But when she left, he resolved, “I will never read this, and I’ll make sure no one else will either.” He placed the book behind one of the stones and finished the wall, certain that at least this copy would be hidden forever.

A few years later an earthquake hit that area; and an inspector, looking for damage, found a crack in the wall. He peered in and, to his amazement saw a book. He carefully removed it, hurriedly turned the pages, and decided to take it home. That evening he was earnest in study the written word of god. Soon the inspector was on his knees, thanking Jesus for dying for him. He yielded his life to his new-found Savior and became a distributor for the Bible Society in Spain, selling God’s Word from town to town.

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