How To Be Used By God
Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: message on how to prepare your life to be a vessel for God’s purpose in life.
Intro: it seems to me that every Christian has a desire to be used by God in some special way. What concerns me, and how this sermon has been birthed into my spirit, is that most Christians have a limited view of being used of God. Someone sings at church, someone says a prayer, I give an offering, I help at a work day, I am being used by God. But God desires so much more for every Christian than to be satisfied with being a good church member. If we understand the Word of God, most of the ministry happened to sinners in the streets, to people who were without Christ, in places like the desert, and near the center of town on the busiest street. Here is even something worse, some people are satisfied with ministering in the altars of the church week after week after week, without having a desire to take their ministry outside the walls. Tonight, I would like to give you some keys to on how to be used by God in a dynamic way.
How To Be Used By God
I. A Deep Concern for Sinners—Romans 5:8—while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Jesus is in the sinner business, over the saint business. If Jesus was here in physical ministry like in the gospels, he would be doing ministry where sinners are:
· Matthew 9:36- he was moved with compassion on them—when Jesus saw the multitudes of people he was moved with compassion. If we are to be used by God it all starts with loving people, desiring to touch their lives for God. He saw people’s needs over their faults. So many times Christians can sit in the seat of judgment instead of mercy.
· 1 John 4:20-21 for he that loveth not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? Here is a commandment, he who loves God should love his brother also. This is the heart of ministry, some people are so spiritual they are no earthly good. The church is about reaching the lost, if it ever loses that mission, it will become religious, self-seeking and dead.
II. Quality Time With God---Matthew 4:1-2 everyone must realize
That Jesus started his ministry after a forty day fast in the desert where he battled the devil.
· You cannot be used by God without spending quality time with God. Any ministry done that is not birthed by a relationship with Jesus Christ, a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit, is counterfeit before God’s eyes.
· You cannot give what you don’t have—if ye Abide in me and my Words abide in you—it is essential to abide in Christ, no flesh will glory in his presence.
· Success in religious activity does not constitute being used of God. Someone may minister to thousands, be a world known minister and still not be truly used of God. Being popular in religious circles didn’t impress Jesus Christ during his ministry. He rebuked the religious spirit every time he faced it.
III. A Personal Crucifixion—Galatians 2:20—I am crucified with
Christ—if I am not reading my Bible, I am reading about some of the great men and women of faith in yesteryears. Kathryn Kullman states on one tape that she could take you to the place where she surrendered it all to Christ. She came to the end of self, and gave Jesus her life. It is documented that when the doors to auditoriums where she was ministering opened, it was like a stampede of people trying to get seats near the altar. If you haven’t died to self and sin, people won’t be drawn to your ministry but repelled.
· Pride is sickening to God—we place all our religious heroes on pedestals and then we are surprised when they fall. But God’s Word says that pride goes before the fall and a haughty spirit before destruction. Most modern day ministries reek with so much pride and self promotion, they are an abomination in the eyes of God.
· A humble and contrite spirit God won’t turn away—Isaiah 57:15—God has to break us to use us. If someone isn’t broken, they cannot spill out anointing for God. Some people in our religious circles cannot discern between charisma and personality, and a true anointing of the Spirit of God.
IV. A Desire To Glorify God—(Acts 3:12-13a )why look so earnestly
On us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk? The God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus. I believe this is a critical place for every one who desires for God to use you. If you desire to be used to gain prominence, status, popularity, finance, or success in this world, your desire is that of Simon the Sorcerer who wanted God’s gift to use for personal gain. Every minister can fall prey to wrong motives, and if you really want to be used by God, you must first be willing to give God all the glory for anything that happens through your life.