
Summary: Our country is on edge regarding the stock market, politics and the COVID-19 virus. As believers, the LAST thing we should do it PANIC and the first thing is to PRAY!

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Philippians 4:6

Philippians 4:6 (NKJV) Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

INTRO. Wow! What an important verse for us today! I saw someone posted this picture on NeXT Door Friday. John Candy Pic. “Sorry folks, the world is closed!”

Yesterday, Patsy and Pat went to Walmart and Sam’s Club. Less than half a mile away at Costco the police were called to break up a fight inside the store. Our country is on edge regarding the stock market, politics and the COVID-19 virus.

As believers, the LAST thing we should do it PANIC and the first thing is to PRAY!

This is not the first time the world has been faced with a pandemic. Illness and disease have always been a part of our human existence. Tragedies and catastrophic things have happened since the beginning of time.

In 1918, the Spanish Flu killed an estimated 50 million people. That was 100 years ago – not long ago, when you think about the record of human history. But there have been some scary times in my lifetime. There was an outbreak of the same flu virus in 2009, which killed an estimated 200,000 people.

How many of you remember Y2K…in the year 2000 all the computers were going to crash and take over the world? How many of you remember the H1N1 virus, the swine flu, the Asian flu, the bird flu, Ebola, etc.

Most of us like to be in control! We don’t want to panic. But often it seems like things get out of control, don’t they?


A. Our Crises

From time to time we find ourselves in the middle of a crisis. At least we think it’s a crisis. Whatever it is that happens, we have NO CONTROL over it.

B. Our Country

Hey, folks, it’s not China’s fault that people all over the world have contracted the Corona Virus! Even if it was their fault! What can we do about? Nothing! By the way, contrary to the left’s view, the Coronavirus is not President Trump’s fault, the House nor the Senate’s fault, or Nancy Pelosi’s fault!

By the way, some of you ladies found out Friday at the Bible study that Pastor Mark Thomas in Pueblo West, CO has been forced out of the school he has been meeting in for the last several years because the school districts in the area are not permitting any gatherings to take place in their buildings because of COVID-19.

I’m happy to report to you that, after you prayed, Pastor Mark got the keys to a facility that will easily seat 200 and have made an offer on a piece of property with a new building already on it! PTL!

C. Our Citizens

We can’t control what the citizens of our neighborhoods. Do you get NeXT Door things in your neighbor? It is amazing the things that people rant about online. Some kids have been throwing eggs in the neighborhood, some people complain about people riding their motorcycles or dirt bikes out in the open fields, kids have been destructive to the playground equipment. Not long ago some child started a fire and burned the playground nearest our house to the ground. The HOA board is not doing its job!

Now, personally, I think people should be held responsible for their actions and attitudes. But the truth is, we can’t control them.

D. Our Critics

If there’s anyone who knows anything about criticism it’s parents, politicians and pastors! And not necessarily in that order! People are so quick to criticize everything we do, every decision we make, every direction we go.

E. Our Circumstances

Have you ever asked anyone how they’re doing, and they respond, “I’m doing okay, under the circumstances!” I always want to say, “Well, what are you doin’ under there?” Hey, there are things simply out of our control. You can’t control the weather:

Whether the weather be cold, or whether the weather be hot

Whether the weather is good, or whether the weather is not

Whatever the weather, we’ll weather the weather,

Whether we like it or not! Vance Havner

You can’t control your circumstances at your work. And you can’t control women!


All too often we get distracted by the things we can’t control that we lose focus on the things we can control. The external conditions of the world keep us from being consistent in our walk with the Lord and our prayer life and Bible study!

A. Our Thoughts

Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV) For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

How many you are like me and are guilty of “stinkin’ thinkin’? How many of you are like me and get a bad attitude sometimes?

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Cliff Gwaltney

commented on Mar 21, 2020

Hey Pastor Gwartney, Just browsing tonight after my sermon prep and found you. Looks like I'm preaching the same passage tomorrow at Holly Springs Baptist, Harmony NC. Thank you for preaching to me! Cliff Gwaltney

Howard Gwartney

commented on Nov 7, 2020

Hey, Cliff, I just saw your comment! We've got to be related somewhere way back! I don't check Sermon Central regularly...except for sermon slides, etc. But if you care to email: I lived in Raleigh for about 3 years while I was teaching at Southeastern Free Will Baptist College.

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