How Lovely Art Thou O God!
Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: All other loveliness, vanishes and perishes, when you have beheld the beauty of the Lord!
How lovely art thou O God!
Psalm 84:1’How lovely is Your tabernacle, O LORD of hosts! 2 My soul longs, yes, even faints For the courts of the LORD; My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.’
I have so much bubbling and sparkling inside me, without God’s help, I may not be able to transform it into words. God help me! The words, ‘How lovely is Your tabernacle’ just shook me to my core! Bewitching statement indeed! You may look at an astounding pretty woman or something exquisite and claim, ‘how lovely’, but here we find the psalmist look at the ‘House of God’ and utter these lovely words! Ah!!!!
I had set the alarm for 3.30 am in the morning to pray, and pleaded God to give me the strength to wake up, since it was winter and very cold. I was unable to sleep because I was eager to wake up in the wee hours of the morning and speak to HIM. You may call me crazy! However, that day I suddenly woke up and looked at the wall clock and thought it was 3.15 am. So, I got ready and sat to pray, suddenly when I looked at the clock properly, it was 1.15 and not 3.15. Imagine! But I was eager to pray rather than go back to bed. I sat for about an hour, prayed and went back to sleep. I guess this is holy love! Many songs that I had written and composed are the ones that were written at His feet! ‘Without Holy love, all other external professions and performances to God, are but a shell and carcass’ said Mathew Henry
We sit up late and watch a movie through out the night, wake up early to catch a flight, spend several hours either browsing the net, sending sms or chatting away to glory; but do we invest them at His feet? The dregs of the day go to HIM. A sleepy ‘Lord’s prayer’ or a swift prayer is darted out before you hit the pillow, some never do that also. But with such nonchalance in our life, we dare to expect the best from Him! How could we?
All other loveliness, vanishes and perishes, when you have beheld the beauty of the Lord! Young men! Young women! Hearken unto His voice today! Stop glaring at the beauties of the world, and start looking at the splendor of the Lord. The more you look at the cars, bikes, electronic gadgets and Super Stars….they leave you asking for more, but when you have got hold of the loveliness of God, you get contented. I’m excited! You don’t need anything else! Are you hearing me? I had accompanied some family members to the jewelry shop, while they gazed with open jaw at all the gold displayed, I felt detached. I was never so earlier; all my fingers, except the thumb, were adorned with many beautiful rings. I had a solid bracelet worth a fortune on my wrist and much more on the neck. When Jesus walked in, the gold walked away! Slowly I dropped them, one by one into various ministries, and I wear the bare minimum now; I am not against you wearing gold, but we should never get obsessed by them. His loveliness should possess us, conquer us and keep us arrested in His arms!
People are in debts, adultery, and destroyed in sins, because they have strayed away from His loveliness! When we gaze at His loveliness, we are able to look at our ugliness! May we sing: ‘When I look into Your holiness, when I gaze into Your loveliness, when all things that surround me, become shadows in the light of You, I worship You……”