
Summary: THis sermon is design to let Christians know that God's perception of them are much grandier than that which others and one thinks bout himself.

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How God sees the Christian

We are living in a time when people are concerned about their image; their reputation and about what is being said about them.

Often, many people have two lifestyles: one for the public, co-workers, associates and employers and another for home; when they are alone, when no one is watching and for close relatives. Humans long, for recognition, and for praises, no matter how often these come, humans just love to be on the list where people are being praised.

Despite this fact, we know that some people are never given the kind of recognition that they deserve. There are people who do nothing, but get all the praise, whilst there are those who do all and receive nothing in return.

Many people go out of their way to make impressions on others to hear them say good things about them. But often, all they get is nothing. This morning, I am happy to report, that as Christians, God has already given the report on us. God has already made it clear, as to whom we are, and what he thinks of us and how he sees us. As Christians, we do not have to guess; we do not have to be eye servants because, God has already indicated exactly how he sees the Christians.

This morning, my friends, we only need to know that our standards are God’s standards, and we need only to please God and in doing so, we can claim, all the things which he says concerning the believer.

Today, I shall like to examine some of the ways in which God sees us as Christians:

1. God sees us as a Chosen Generation

2. Royal Priesthood

3. Holy Nation

4. Peculiar people

5. A city

6. Salt

7. Light

8. More than conquerors

9. Friends

10. Lively stones

In God’ eyes, the Christian forms a group that is called a “chosen Generation” John 15: 16 says: ye have not chosen men, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that you fruits should remain: that whatsoever, ye shall ask of the father in my name, he may give it to you.”

Generation means: the entire body of individuals born and living at about the same time: the postwar generation. A group of individuals belonging to a specific category at the same time: e.g the Christians those who follow and accept Christ as Saviour

Royal Priest hood

Priests for the King; Those who serve around the kings table worshipping him and offering up spiritual sacrifices to him.

God is this king,,,,

If you know what He has done at infinite cost to himself—He’s put you into a relationship so that you’ll never be rejected by Him—then your motivation when you sin is to go get Him. You want fellowship with Him. When the thing that most assures you is the thing that most convicts you, you’ll be okay because when you’re convicted of sin in a gospel way it drives you toward God.

Without the gospel we hate ourselves instead of our sin. Without the gospel we’re motivated through all sorts of awful fear and pride to change and it doesn’t really change our hearts; it just restrains our hearts.”

The Bible says: that God commended his love towards us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. That God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believers in him shall not perish but have everlasting life

So as I leave you

Remember the words of this song:

On a dark, stormy, night, when the waves rolled like mount¬ains, and not a star was to be seen, a boat, rock¬ing and plung¬ing, neared the Cleve¬land har¬bor. “Are you sure this is Cleve¬land?” asked the cap¬tain, see¬ing only one light from the light-house.

“Quite sure, sir,” re¬plied the pi¬lot.

“Where are the low¬er lights?”

“Gone out, sir.”

“Can you make the har¬bor?”

“We must, or per¬ish, sir!”

And with a strong hand and a brave heart, the old pi¬lot turned the wheel. But alas, in the dark¬ness he missed the channel, and with a crash upon the rocks the boat was shiv¬ered, and ma¬ny a life lost in a wat¬ery grave. Breth¬ren, the Mas¬ter will take care of the great light-house: let us keep the low¬er lights burn¬ing!

D. L. Moody.

Philip P. Bliss, The Charm: A Col¬lect¬ion of Sun¬day School Mu¬sic (Chi¬ca¬go, Il¬li¬nois: Root & Ca¬dy, 1871)


Brightly beams our Father’s mercy from His lighthouse evermore,

But to us He gives the keeping of the lights along the shore.

Let the lower lights be burning! Send a gleam across the wave!

For to us He gives the keeping of the lights along the shore.

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