
Summary: Hope is one of the most essential elements of life. We can live without many things but we cannot live without HOPE Hope makes the difference in life. Hope is essential to confront life’s crises. Losing hope is like losing will to live Tonight, we ca

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How God Satisfies our Deepest Needs

“ Where to Find the Hope We Need”

Hope is one of the most essential elements of life.

We can live without many things but we cannot live without HOPE

Hope makes the difference in life

Hope is essential to confront life’s crises

Losing hope is like losing will to live

Tonight, we can all have hope in God’s ability to change our situation

Many people have their hope in something that is false (Money, loved one, education)

There is only one source of true hope and that fountain is God!

Romans 15:13

13Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Is there hope in your family and situation? God is our fountain of Hope.

Psalm 52:9b

and I will wait on thy name; for it is good before thy saints.

When you trust in the Name of God you are trusting in a quality of his character and attributes.

Every time God revealed himself to someone in the Bible, he was revealing through certain revelations. And whenever he revealed himself he was revealing a phase or a piece of His Character.

God is too great to be revealed to one man, one book or even one bible. But he manifested himself in such a way to meet one of their needs. Each manifestation of a revelation of his name is a way of him telling us that He is here to meet our needs.

We are going to be speaking about the Names of God for the coming weeks and each name will reveal more and more how God meets our deepest needs.

If we want to place our hope in God, we ought to place it on His Name.

The Names of God represent his Character of God.

Names used to reveal a person destiny in the olden days.

When God reveals one of his names he reveals His Character and His Purpose toward you.

Say - God is the God of HOPE! – If you are losing Hope, Listen well.

You’ll notice that God often speaks of His Name… And in my name, the name of the Lord… If we know what his name is and what it means we will have hope!

For example at the end of the book of Ezekiel, God reveals himself and say I am the Lord God Shama.

Shama – The Lord is Present – If I know that God is Present, I don’t have to invite him to show up everywhere I go. Where is God going to go? He is already there. “OH LORD WE INVITE YOU!” God doesn’t come and Go.. He is OMNIPRESENT! When God “Show’s UP” refers to the time in which you noticed He was always there.

If we don’t fully understand this concept we will act like orphans saying “When will you tend to me Lord?”, “What time will you show up?” God says, “Where can I move to if I have already filled the Galaxy with my presence.”

Doesn’t it make you happy to know that The Lord your God is PRESENT? God is Present – Sh ama

God is Always Present

1. His Presence is always with me

Isaiah 41:10 (King James Version)

10Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

No matter what happens in our lives, God is always with us. – No need to become desperate. Fear comes from thinking we are alone.

Have you ever been in a situation and not felt His presence? Do you always FEEL the presence of God? I don’t always feel it. When you don’t feel it, you need HOPE & FAITH.

“Parental security a child feels when being held – and not when by mother.”

We don’t have to ever worry about being alone because God is always with us.

Others might leave our side but God promised never to leave or forsake you.

Why are people so desperate? Because people are always being left alone. Death, A friend moves away. Things change. People leave. God always stays! Does that give you hope tonight?

He is with me and he takes care of me.

Psalm 32:8 (King James Version)

8The Lord says, I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.

4 things God wants to do with us continually

q Instruction – We are desperate in life because we are doing whatever we want to do in life. We aren’t speaking to the owner of life.

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