
Summary: Sometimes Christians wonder if they have the Holy Spirit because they have not had some overt experience or do not speak in tongues or have an outward miraculous gift. This sermon is for those believers.

The Spirit's Work and Mind


A. Luke writes a gospel account of the life of Jesus, and then gives us the sequel, the early beginning of the church. It is in the book of Acts we are introduced to the Holy Spirit at work guiding the church leaders and be at work in all disciples of Jesus.

B. But I will be honest and say that sometimes I feel a little left out. Sometimes I think I should have a deeper connection or something inside me that lets me know the Holy Spirit is a part of me. I read about the Holy Spirit in the Bible but don’t always feel connected to the Spirit of God. So today, I want to help me and others like me, become more aware of the Holy Spirit in the life of all believers.

I. Pentecost

A. We come now to the book of Acts, the history of the early church. Luke opens this second letter by telling Theophilus that Jesus walked about for 40 days after the resurrection and during that time he spoke about the kingdom of God. READ Acts 1:4-5.

B. Something was soon to happen, but these men still focused on Jesus, not what he taught them. Keep reading with me (Acts 1:6-8).

C. As Luke continues to tell us what happened, he takes us to Pentecost (Acts 2:1). Pentecost is a Jewish feast day that takes place 50 days after Feast of First Fruits which corresponds with the Passover timeline.

D. With Jewish people gathered from all over the world to come before God and with the teaching of a harvest on their mind and heart, a different harvest was going to take place on the Pentecost found in Acts 2.

E. READ Acts 2:1-4. It happened just as Jesus said it would. The Holy Spirit came upon them, and a new life began, the apostles left the upper room and began speaking about Jesus. With the work of the Holy Spirit, people from all these different nations heard the message in their own language. They were amazed at this great miracle.

F. Peter steps up to calm the people and begins to tell them that what is happening is exactly what the prophet Joel said would take place. The Spirit of God was being poured out upon all who call upon the name of the Lord.

G. While we often center upon the sermon in Acts 2 and the response of the people. I want you to hear Peter tell them what is offered to them (Acts 2:38-39). Yes, we have forgiveness of sin and that is often what we stress, but Peter says we also have the gift of the Holy Spirit and the that promise of forgiveness and the Spirit is not just for them, but for every generation afterwards.

II. The Spirit's Unseen Work

A. With Spirit of God now dwelling inside each saved person, God was closer than he had ever been. In the garden God would talk with Adam and Eve. God would speak directly to people like Noah and Moses. God would speak through the prophets who had the Holy Spirit to the people, but now, from Pentecost forward, the Spirit moved into us.

B. Do you know what that means? 1 Cor. 3:16-17. You are now the temple of God. That means you don’t go to a building to find God, you and God are together 24/7.

In the power of the Holy Spirit, we are never alone, God is always with us.

C. Listen to Eph. 1:13-14. I am sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. We often remind people that we can fall from grace, but Paul wanted to remind people of the promise of eternity that comes because we live in the Spirit and walk in the light.

D. Another gift we have today is how the Spirit helps us in our weakness. READ Rom. 8:26-27. I love to hear people pray, to pray with other people, and to just sit and talk to God, but sometimes I don’t know the right thing to pray for. Often it is when I am deeply emotional or struggling. I start a prayer, but don’t know what to say next. What I love about these verses is Paul tells me, “Don’t worry, the Holy Spirit know exactly what needs to be express to God and knows how to say perfectly.” That is great news for me.

III. The Spirit’s Visible Work

A. Yes, I have wondered why I don’t have some big spiritual experience like Paul did on the road to Damascus or the apostles did in Acts 2. But I don’t read of Timothy ever doing any miracles. I don’t read of Silas, Titus or the church leader James the brother of Jesus ever doing a miracle. The truth is, having some miraculous sign was not the mark of every disciple of Jesus.

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"Imitators Of Christ"


By: Gary Smith

You viewed this on Friday, March 28
