
Summary: Amidst the clouds of doom, gloom and stubborn opposition, God sheds His light to the dark regions of menâs minds. In this passage we learn a little bit more about how the Divine work of God overshadows every difficulty, discouragement or predicament. Alth

1. Amidst the clouds of doom, gloom and stubborn opposition, God sheds His light to the dark regions of menâs minds. In this passage we learn a little bit more about how the Divine work of God overshadows every difficulty, discouragement or predicament.

Although God’s purposes may not be clear at the time, His sovereign will prevails in all situations.

Here we see the angel coming in light to illuminate the prison to set Peter free. God’s light has a way of freeing us from sin, destruction and all kinds of uncertainty if we will only open our eyes to perceive His mighty work.

Application: Ask the Lord to help you watch, expect and perceive all the powerful work of God in every aspect of your life.

2. The angel of God brings to bear everything that is needed for the work of God to be perfectly accomplished. Dr. Luke wrote, "The angel of the Lord suddenly appeared and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter’s side and roused him, saying, ÎGet up quickly." And his chains fell off his hands." (Acts 12:7)

When the Lord wants something done He supplies whatever is needed at the time to deliver us from our restrictions. We do not even need to know what size bolt cutters God employs to release us from the chains that bind us. Godâs liberating processes are perfect in everyway without fail. Heed his directives and experience His freedom.

Application: Ask the Lord to help you obey the Lord so you too can be released from whatever is limiting you from accomplishing all that He intends for your life and ministry.

3. When the Lord delivers us we are expected to follow His lead. The angel said to Peter, "Wrap your cloak around you and follow me." (Acts 12:8) Failure to follow the leading of the Lord is a recipe for halfway deliverance. Many believers have enjoyed being liberated at the time of their salvation decision, but they remain lethargic and unwilling to follow the word of God to where He wants to take them.

So many believers are languishing in the lower levels of spiritual, educational, emotional, social, attitudinal or ministry maturity. Unless we are willing to be doers of Godâs word we will just deceive ourselves that we are fully enjoying the best of what He has for us.

Application: Ask God to show you wherever you are failing to follow the Lord fully in any aspects of your life or ministry.

4. The work of God is often proceeded by the prayer of committed people. In direct answer to the prayers of the church, an angel of the Lord is sent to miraculously help Peter escape certain death.

Application: Ask the Lord to help you find many faithful prayer supporters who will faithfully uphold you and your ministry before the Lord. Without the church of God behind we are unable to complete all the work God has called us to accomplish.

5. The angel of the Lord led Peter through the iron gates and past the guards to the open street. Godâs work takes us THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death. Do not think that you are to be exempt in having to pass through difficult times to get to the place where God wants you to be. Many believers fail to persevere and believe God during the difficult times. Even Peter thought he was still seeing a vision.

Application: Ask the Lord to help you walk in Lord’s path even if you are unsure of how or why or what you are going through. It is enough to know that He is with you and He will lead you in the paths of righteousness for His nameâs sake.

6. The work of the Lord produced great joy in the hearts of many believers even though some will still remain skeptical. Even though Rhoda announced that Peter was at the front gate, most of the believers doubted. Do not allow the skeptics, doubters and cynics to keep you from continuing to ask, seek and knock until the doors open in joy. Ask God for the willingness to be misunderstood until people finally realize Godâs work in you.

7. The work of the Lord teaches everyone how He engineers new ways of carrying out His purposes. Never doubt that the Lord’s hand is able to deliver. Never question Godâs ability to work in new ways to liberate captives. Never give up on God working a miracle on your behalf. He is a great God who works wonders even among the non-christians. Dr. Luke wrote, "There was no small disturbance among the soldiers as to what could have become of Peter." (Acts 12:18)

Application: Trust God to work supernaturally through you for the maximization of His purposes and glory.

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